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Land Art in the U. K. : A Complete Guide to Landscape, Environmental, Earthworks, Nature, Sculpture and Installation Art in the United Kingdom

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-07-30
  • Publisher: Lightning Source Inc

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Land Art in the U. K. : A Complete Guide to Landscape, Environmental, Earthworks, Nature, Sculpture and Installation Art in the United Kingdom [ISBN: 9781861710901] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Malpas, William. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


The most well-known land art is in America or made by Americans (Robert Smithson, Walter de Maria, Alice Aycock, Michael Heizer and others), but Britain has plenty of land artists, like Richard Long, Chris Drury, Peter Hutchinson, Hamish Fulton and Andy Goldsworthy. They might be working on a much smaller scale than their American counterparts, but their land art is no less fascinating. 'Land Art in the U.K.¿ brings most of the famous artists together, with short introductions to their work, and brief studies of their signature pieces. A much-overlooked land artists, for instance, is Chris Drury, but he is well worth tracking down. Many of his works are ephemeral (like those of Hamish Fulton or Andy Goldsworthy), so it¿s quite difficult finding permanent works which you can visit. Even more useful, then, to have Drury being studied in this book by William Malpas.

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