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In the Land of Ninkasi A History of Beer in Ancient Mesopotamia

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2024-08-01
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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A feast for beer geeks and history buffs alike, In the Land of Ninkasi tells the story of the world's first great beer culture.

In this authoritative but light-hearted account of beers gone by, archaeologist Tate Paulette brings the famous "land between the rivers" back to life in vivid detail. We meet not only the beers of ancient Mesopotamia, but also the people who brewed them and drank them, the places where these people lived and worked, the taverns and temples and tombs where they did their drinking, the stories they told about beer, their preferred styles of drinking, their brewing equipment and drinking paraphernalia, the gods and goddesses who governed their lives and who were also partial to a drink.

Rigorous in its scholarship, yet staunchly unpretentious in style, this beer-centered travel guide for a trip back in time offers a clear roadmap into the ancient source material for those who are new to Mesopotamia. Paulette weaves together insights drawn from archaeological remains, ancient works of art, and cuneiform texts. He uses a series of narrative vignettes and thought experiments to interrogate specific pieces of evidence and pull the reader, step-by-step, into the process of analysis and interpretation, explaining exactly what we know and how we know it.
Readers will come away with a new appreciation for the depth of our knowledge about this early beer-drinking culture, painstakingly pieced together by generations of dedicated scholars. They will also encounter plenty of unknowns: enigmatic evidence that defies explanation, unresolved debates, puzzles that remain to be solved. For those who prefer their history in liquid form, Paulette also recounts some of his own experiences recreating ancient beer and provides a brew-it-yourself recipe to try at home.

Author Biography

Tate Paulette is an archaeologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of History at North Carolina State University. He is editor of the forthcoming A Cultural History of Wine in Antiquity.

Table of Contents

Note about ancient languages
Chapter 1: Beer in world history
The ritual center at Gobekli Tepe
What is beer?
The prehistory of beer
Chapter 2: An introduction to ancient Mesopotamia
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The land between the rivers
Archaeological and historical sources
A bird's-eye view of Mesopotamian history
First things first: Dating
Reaping and rituals
Church, state, and the rise of cities
Divine households in conflict
Regional conquest and mountains of paperwork
The rise and fall of Babylon and the Kassites
The empires strike back
Chapter 3: Beers and brewing ingredients
The archaic texts from Uruk
The search for beers and brewing ingredients
Malted barley
Other grains and grain products
Date syrup
The beers of ancient Mesopotamia
Chapter 4: Brewing technologies and techniques
The Hymn to Ninkasi
Finding process in poetry
How was beer brewed?
Brewing equipment
Chapter 5: Brewing spaces
Breweries at Girsu and Lagash
Where beer was brewed
Taverns and tavern keepers
Home brewing
Chapter 6: Drinkers and drinking practices
Cylinder seals with banquet scenes
How drinkers drank
Who drank beer?
Chapter 7: The beer-drinking experience
Inana and Enki
The pouring of beer
Drinking with the dead
Beer on the job
At the tavern
The effects of beer consumption
Epilogue: Reviving an ancient art
Appendix A

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