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Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care (Book with Access Code)

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback w/ Access Code
  • Copyright: 2012-03-06
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • View Upgraded Edition
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List Price: $88.48 Save up to $58.13
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Introducing the brand new leadership text for the undergraduate student from the leading authors of Quantum Leadership: Advancing Innovation, Transforming Health Care!This unique text distinguishes between leadership and management, and provides a realistic and practical approach for the transition from student to leader. The authors emphasize translational applications that prepare students for transition into leadership roles. The authors first define the theoretical underpinnings of leadership and management, and then follow up with the translation into practice, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. Case scenarios figures and tables, real-life examples, and end of chapter assessments are included to aid student learning.This accessible text covers leadership, transitioning to the professional role, time management, delegation, technology, finance/fiscal management, policy/politics, collective bargaining, communication/negotiation, quality control/improvement, staffing and scheduling, ethical decision making, team-based leadership, conflict management, career management.

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