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Let This Grieving Soul Retire, Vol. 3 (manga) Woe Is the Weakling Who Leads the Strongest Party

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-07-12
  • Publisher: Yen Press
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List Price: $13.00 Save up to $0.01
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“Are you just not hungry enough? Not hungry enough for power?” Tino Shade’s unexpectedly difficult rescue mission has landed her party in hot water, and the pack of bloodthirsty wolf knights doesn’t seem interested in taking prisoners. With Krai showing up out of the blue, they might have a chance—that is, until he ends up in the same jam! With fearsome foes on all sides, will Krai finally flex the true power of a level 8 treasure hunter…or is he all talk, as usual?

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