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Life with a Capital L Participant's Guide Embracing Your God-Given Humanity

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2015-07-21
  • Publisher: Multnomah
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Do you find yourself believing the gospel on Sundays, but wondering what difference it makes on Mondays?  Jesus calls us to full humanity, not empty religiosity – to engage with him not only as the Way and the Truth, but also as the Life.
Find the Life You’ve Been Longing for All Along
In this companion guide to Life with a Capital L: Embracing Your God-Given Humanity, Matt Heard takes us to the heart of the gospel, revealing how God wants us to experience Life in all its fullness, not just in eternity but right now.
This interactive guide can be used in four-, six-, or twelve-week formats and can also be used with the Life with a Capital L DVD. It includes questions for group discussion and individual reflection, along with instructions for group leaders.
Embracing Life with a capital L means exploring our longings more deeply, embracing the gospel more fully—and becoming more authentically human in the process.
Author and speaker Matt Heard lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, Arlene. Whether standing in front of people with a microphone, camping in the mountains with his three adult sons, enjoying the journey with friends, or serving a need in his city—he loves exploring and experiencing Life with a capital L.

Author Biography

Matt Heard and his wife, Arlene, live in Colorado Springs and are the privileged parents of three adult sons. A speaker and writer, he was the senior pastor at Woodmen Valley Chapel for twelve years.  Whether standing in front of people with a microphone or in a trout stream with a fly rod, whether sitting around a dinner table with friends or serving a need in his city, he loves exploring and experiencing Life with a capital L.

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