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Lookaway, Lookaway A Novel

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2014-06-24
  • Publisher: Picador
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Steely and formidable, Jerene Jarvis Johnston sits near the apex of society in contemporary Charlotte, North Carolina, where old Southern money and older family skeletons meet the new wealth of bankers, land speculators, and social climbers. Jerene and her Civil War reenactor husband, Duke, have four adult children—sexually reckless real estate broker Annie; earnest minister Bo; gay-but-don't-tell-anyone Joshua; and naive, impressionable college freshman Jerilyn. Jerene's brother, Gaston, is an infamously dissolute novelist and gossip who knows her secrets and Duke's; while her sister, Dillard, is a reclusive prisoner of her own unfortunate choices. When a scandal threatens the Johnston family's status and dwindling finances, Jerene swings into action...and she will stop at nothing to keep what she has and preserve her legacy. Wilton Barnhardt's Lookaway, Lookaway is a headlong, hilarious narrative of a family coming apart on the edge of the old South and the new, and an unforgettable woman striving to hold it together.

Author Biography

Wilton Barnhardt is the author of three previous novels: Emma Who Saved My Life, Gospel, and Show World.  A native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, he teaches fiction in the masters of fine arts in the creative writing program at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, where he lives.

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