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Loose-Leaf Guided Notebook for Trigsted/Bodden/Gallaher Developmental Math Prealgebra, Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Loose-leaf
  • Copyright: 2015-11-17
  • Publisher: Pearson

Note: Supplemental materials are not guaranteed with Rental or Used book purchases.

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List Price: $46.65 Save up to $11.66
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How To: Textbook Rental

Looking to rent a book? Rent Loose-Leaf Guided Notebook for Trigsted/Bodden/Gallaher Developmental Math Prealgebra, Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra [ISBN: 9780134442204] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Trigsted, Kirk; Bodden, Kevin; Gallaher, Randall. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


The Guided Notebook is an interactive workbook that guides students through the course by asking them to write down key definitions and work through important examples for each section of the eText. This resource is available in a three-hole-punched, unbound format to provide the foundation for a personalized course notebook. Students can integrate their class notes and homework notes within the appropriate section of the Guided Notebook. Instructors can customize the Guided Notebook files found within MyMathLab.

Supplemental Materials

What is included with this book?

The New copy of this book will include any supplemental materials advertised. Please check the title of the book to determine if it should include any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

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