1. Linear Equations
1.1 Lines and Linear Equations
1.2 Linear Equations and Matrices
1.3 Numerical Solutions
1.4 Applications of Linear Systems
2. Euclidean Space
2.1 Vectors
2.2 Span
2.3 Linear Independence
3. Matrices
3.1 Linear Transformations
3.2 Matrix Algebra
3.3 Inverses
3.4 LU Factorization
3.5 Markov Chains
4. Subspaces
4.1 Introduction to Subspaces
4.2 Basis and Dimension
4.3 Row and Column Spaces
5. Determinants
5.1 The Determinant Function
5.2 Properties of the Determinant
5.3 Applications of the Determinant
6. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
6.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
6.2 Iterative Methods
6.3 Change of Basis
6.4 Diagonalization
6.5 Complex Eigenvalues
6.6 Systems of Differential Equations
7. Vector Spaces
7.1 Vector Spaces and Subspaces
7.2 Span and Linear Independence
7.3 Basis and Dimension
8. Orthogonality
8.1 Dot Products and Orthogonal Sets
8.2 Projection and the Gram-Schmidt Process
8.3 Diagonalizing Symmetric Matrices
8.4 Singular Value Decomposition
8.5 Least Squares Regression
9. Linear Transformations
9.1 Definition and Properties
9.2 Isomorphisms
9.3 The Matrix of a Linear Transformation
9.4 Similarity
10. Inner Product Spaces
10.1 Inner Products
10.2 The Gram-Schmidt Process Revisited
10.3 Applications of Inner Products
11. Additional Topics and Applications
11.1 Quadratic Forms
11.2 Positive Definite Matrices
11.3 Constrained Optimization
11.4 Complex Vector Spaces
11.5 Hermitian Matrices
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