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Lost in Uttar Pradesh New and Selected Stories

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2008-05-28
  • Publisher: Counterpoint

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Evan S. Connell's restraint, concision, and perfect pitch lend themselves stunningly to the short story form. He intuitively senses when to explain and when to let silence stand in speech's stead. His characters—among them, a wanderer back from Spain, the corpulent Mr. Bemis, Katia and her lion—ring true not because the stories are filled with monumental events, but because they center around seemingly insignificant experiences that remain in the mind, imbued with a meaning ever difficult to define. Often we are left to float in their wake, ending in an ellipsis of sorts. Yet by Connell's mastery, even the voices that speak only once resonate beyond the final page.

Author Biography

Evan S. Connell was the author of eighteen books, including Francisco Goya, Deus Lo Volt!, Mrs. Bridge, and Son of the Morning Star. He received numerous awards, including the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, the Pushcart Prize, a Guggenheim fellowship, and an award in literature from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. He lived and worked in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Table of Contents

Lionp. 3
Hookerp. 10
Nan Madolp. 30
Proctor Bemisp. 48
The Walls of Avilap. 63
Arcturusp. 85
The Land Where Lemon Trees Bloomp. 119
Caribbean Provedorp. 131
Octopus, the Sausalito Quarterly of New Writing, Art & Ideasp. 144
Election Evep. 153
St. Augustine's Pigeonp. 169
Bowenp. 205
Assassinp. 217
Mrs. Proctor Bemisp. 222
Noah's Arkp. 239
Puig's Wifep. 261
Guadalcanalp. 290
Yellow Raftp. 294
The Cuban Missile Crisisp. 298
Ancient Musickp. 304
The Palace of the Moorish Kingsp. 319
Lost in Uttar Pradeshp. 338
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

Supplemental Materials

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The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

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