2+2=5 | p. 1 |
Elves of the subdimensions | p. 15 |
Panpsychism proved | p. 41 |
MS found in a minidrive | p. 45 |
The men in the back room at the country club | p. 57 |
Guadalupe and Hieronymus Bosch | p. 95 |
Six thought experiments concerning the nature of computation | p. 115 |
Jenna and me | p. 141 |
The use of the ellipse the catalog the meter & the vibrating plane | p. 173 |
Junk DNA | p. 181 |
Pockets | p. 229 |
Cobb wakes up | p. 263 |
Visions of the metanovel | p. 275 |
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved. |
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