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The Main Enterprise of the World Rethinking Education

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2021-11-23
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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Philip Kitcher's The Main Enterprise of the World offers a sweeping vision of the goals of education. Kitcher considers the ways in which schools and universities should advance their goals, explores the social changes required to make high-quality education available to all, and argues that these reforms are economically sustainable.

Kitcher build his arguments from three broad goals of education as an institution: career development and professionalization, civic participation, and human fulfilment. He shows that shifts in the workplace provide opportunities to focus on the latter two goals, and to liberate education from supposed economic constraints. By tying education to the strengthening of both individual lives and the foundations of democracy, he offers a humanistic rethinking of what education should try to achieve.

Drawing on figures like Dewey, Mill, Atkinson, and others who have written deeply on education, both in theory and in practice, Kitcher offers an extensive reconsideration of how we might change our educational institutions to respond not just to the twenty-first century economy, but to the deeper need for lifelong human flourishing. The Main Enterprise of the World renews classical Pragmatism: with one eye on the ideal, and the other on the world, it presents a picture of education appropriate for our century.

Author Biography

Philip Kitcher was born in 1947 in London (U.K.). He received his B.A. from Cambridge University and his Ph.D. from Princeton. He has taught at several American Universities, and is currently John Dewey Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, at Columbia. He is the author of books on topics ranging from
the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of biology, the growth of science, the role of science in society, naturalistic ethics, pragmatism, Wagner's Ring, Joyce's Finnegans Wake, and Mann's Death in Venice. In 2019, he was awarded the Rescher Medal for contributions to systematic philosophy.

Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations

Part I
Chapter 1. Overload
Chapter 2. Individuality
Chapter 3. Fulfillment
Chapter 4. Citizens
Chapter 5. Moral Development
Chapter 6. A Role for Religion?
Part II
Chapter 7. The Natural Sciences
Chapter 8. The Arts
Chapter 9. Understanding Ourselves
Part III
Chapter 10. Social Change
Chapter 11. Utopia?
Appendix 1
Appendix 2

Supplemental Materials

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