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The Mask Recognizing and Resisting Spiritual Deception

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-08-06
  • Publisher: Write Mind Publishing
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The Mask: Recognizing And Resisting Spiritual Deception is a spiritual autobiography. The author shares her journey of spiritual enlightenment, through an honest recounting of stories from her past. She delves into common struggles of the routine churchgoer, and even provides practical guidance to the reader, using scripture to ground her thoughts. This literary work is for the newcomer as well as the seasoned in Christ.

Author Biography

Andriea Denise is an author, entrepreneur, educator, mentor, speaker, singer, songwriter, avid journal keeper, woman of God, and an overcomer. She is the creator and CEO of The Write Mind Studio, the #1 online hub for resources that educate in the development of a healthy mindset.Andriea teaches self-improvement techniques, with an emphasis on journaling, to prove that one can write the vision, and have documented proof of it, when it ultimately becomes a reality. Her hope is that she can help others to shed misconceptions, self-doubt, and a negative mindset, so they can get out of their own way, and start living the life God has purposed for them.

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