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Math Hysteria Fun and Games with Mathematics

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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2004-07-08
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Welcome to Ian Stewart's strange and magical world of mathematics! Math Hysteria contains twenty quirky tales of mathematical exploration by one of the world's most popular writers on mathematics. Ian Stewart presents us with a wealth of magical puzzles, each one spun around an amazing tale, including "Counting the Cattle of the Sun," "The Great Drain Robbery," and "Preposterous Piratical Predicaments." Fully illustrated with explanatory diagrams, each tale is told with engaging wit, sure to amuse everyone with an interest in puzzles and mathematics. Along the way, we also meet many curious characters. Containing twenty specially-commissioned cartoons, this book will delight all who are familiar with Stewart's many other books, such as What Shape is a Snowflake? and Flatterland and anyone interested in mathematical problems. In short, these stories are engaging, challenging, and lots of fun!

Author Biography

Ian Stewart is Professor of Mathematics at Warwick University and the author of many books, including Nature's Numbers and From Here to Infinity: A Guide to Today's Mathematics. He writes the "Mathematical Recreations" column for Scientific American.

Table of Contents

Preface vii
Figure Acknowledgements xi
1 I Know That You Know That
2 Domino Theories
3 Turning the Tables
4 The Anthropomurphic Principle
5 Counting the Cattle of the Sun
6 The Great Drain Robbery
7 Two-Way Jigsaw Puzzles
8 Tales of the Neglected Number
9 Is Monopoly Fair?
10 Monopoly Revisited 107(10)
11 A Guide to Computer Dating 117(10)
12 Dividing the Spoils 127(16)
13 Squaring the Square 143(12)
14 The Bellows Conjecture 155(10)
15 Purposefully Piling Pyramids 165(12)
16 Be a Dots-and-Boxes Grandmaster 177(10)
17 Choosily Chomping Chocolate 187(12)
18 Shedding a Little Darkness 199(10)
19 Preposterous Piratical Predicaments 209(8)
20 Million-Dollar Minesweeper 217(10)
Further Reading 227(4)
Index 231

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