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Med Port

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2016-12-29
  • Publisher: Bookbaby
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The stunning opening of the Med Port in Tangier, Morocco in 2012 as the largest sea port and free market area in the Mediterranean is the focus of this fast-paced novel that shows the Med Port to be as much a hot seat of international intrigue in the 21st Century as it was when caravans crossed the desert. Mosques, dark alleyways, and a region and culture ripe with historical drama, lead to a transatlantic sailing to the Med Port and a visit to the Legation House in Morocco—the only U.S. National Landmark outside the U.S. borders. Curious? ABSOLUTELY! Though a work of fiction, MED PORT weaves together a thread of plausibilities from news items and historical data, to create a realistic story that spans the lives and eras of John Paul Jones, George Washington, WWII, the Cold War, and the Space Lab. The suspenseful, intricate, 400-year-old trail is pieced together when two aging Cold War spies—once Russian and American counterparts—are called by their nations to team-up to find a way to stop a devastating point of national embarrassment for the United States from becoming a bargaining chip used by the Chinese to overthrow the global financial markets. In these carefully crafted pages, kings, presidents, old friends, murder, love, intrigue, history, and the environs and city of the Med Port etch their presence vividly into the reader’s imagination.

Author Biography

Susan Saint Sing has a doctoral degree in kinesiology from The Pennsylvania State University and she has written nine books including The Wonder Crew, The Eight- One Season in the Tradition of Harvard Crew, and Play Matters - So Play as if it Matters. She has also published poems and songs, speaks nationally and internationally on sports and sport philosophy and was honored with the prestigious Alumni Fellow Award from Penn State in 2013. Saint Sing is a two-time U.S. National World Rowing Team Member -- 1993 and 2015. She has coached Juniors, NCAA D1 collegiate, and elite crews to seven national medals and qualified a U.S. Paralympic boat to the 2016 Rio Olympics. An avid sailor, she has sailed over 10,000 blue water ocean miles. A native of Pennsylvania and longtime resident of Cincinnati, the author now lives in Stuart, Florida.

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