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Medical Terminology Online for the Language of Medicine (User Guide and Access Code)

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: Pamphlet
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-02-12
  • Publisher: Elsevier Science Health Science div
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $56.95
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Reinforce your understanding of medical terminology and apply your knowledge to the clinical setting! Corresponding to The Language of Medicine, 9th Edition, by Davi-Ellen Chabner, BA, MAT, this online course supplements the textbook with interactive exercises, dynamic animations, and narrated slide shows. Together with the text, Medical Terminology Online helps you develop the specialized vocabulary you need to communicate effectively in practice and the word analysis skills you need to define unfamiliar terms. Learning objectives reflect the objectives in the textbook. Threaded case studies highlight patients with particular medical conditions, revisiting those patients throughout a module in a real-world application of medical terminology. Interactive exercises help you recall and recognize medical terms through word building, labeling, spelling, image association, pronunciation, matching, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and case studies. Medical records activities help you become familiar with entries and terminology in the medical record. Catch That? activities provide review questions and include a link to remediation content for incorrect answers. Glossary of over 5,000 terms offers quick access to definitions along with pronunciations in English and Spanish. Bolded and linked terms connect quickly and easily to definitions and audio pronunciations of terms. Enhanced art program includes additional photos beyond those in the textbook. Animations and slide shows demonstrate physiologic processes and communicate difficult concepts. Self-mastery quizzes allow you to assess your knowledge at the end of each section to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Self-mastery exams in each module are automatically scored and reported to the instructor. Website activities include online links that allow you to conduct further research. A new design reflects the appearance of the book's latest edition, and includes easier site navigation. Updated content includes new terms and abbreviations reflecting advances in technology and changes in health care. Outcome-based learning includes an objective for each module, with an assessment in each section to determine whether you have achieved the desired outcome/objective.

Table of Contents

Basic Word Structure
Terms Pertaining to the Body as a Whole
Digestive System
Additional Suffixes and Digestive System Terminology
Urinary System
Female Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
Nervous System
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Blood System
Lymphatic/Immune System
Musculoskeletal System
Sense Organs: Eye and Ear
Endocrine System
Cancer Medicine (Oncology)
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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