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Medicines Management for Nurses at a Glance

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2016-02-08
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

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Medicines Management for Nurses at a Glance is the perfect companion for study and revision for pre-registration nursing and healthcare students.  Combining superb full colour illustrations with accessible and informative text, it provides an easy-to-read and supportive guide to the key pharmacological knowledge nursing students and registered nurses need to know.

Divided into three sections, the first introduces key topics within clinical pharmacology and medicines management including, numeracy, pharmacokinetics, routes of administration, and pharmacodynamics.  The second and final sections cover the management of medicines for common medical conditions, drug interactions, side effects, and safe and effective prescribing.

  • Written specifically for nurses, it covers the fundamentals of pharmacology as they apply to nursing practice.
  • Breaks down complex concepts in an accessible way, providing helpful overviews of all key pharmacological topics. 
  • Includes practical issues relating to practice, and is written to support the Essential Skills Cluster of the NMC, and the content of the BNF.
  • Includes content relevant to each of the four fields of nursing, and covers drugs for specific groups such as children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the elderly.

A companion website is available at www.ataglanceseries.com/nursing/medicinesmanagement featuring interactive multiple choice questions.

Author Biography

Simon Young, Academic Subject Manager - Medicines Management and Prescribing, Faculty of Life Science and Education, University of South Wales

Ben Pitcher, Senior Lecturer - Medicines Management and Prescribing, Faculty of Life Sciences and Education, University of South Wales

Table of Contents

Preface vii

About the companion website ix

Part 1 Introduction to Pharmacology and Medicines Management 1

1 Why is managing medicines important in nursing? 2

2 Keeping up to date with medicines management 4

3 What is a medicine? 6

4 Medicines nomenclature: what’s in a name? 8

5 Numeracy and medicines management 10

6 Clinical pharmacokinetics I 12

7 Clinical pharmacokinetics II 14

8 Routes of administration I 16

9 Routes of administration II 18

10 Pharmacodynamics I 20

11 Pharmacodynamics II 22

Part 2 Managing medicines 25

12 Dyspepsia 26

13 Acute diarrhoea and constipation 28

14 Chronic bowel disease 30

15 Nausea and vomiting 32

16 Anti-anginals 34

17 Anti-arrhythmics 36

18 Heart failure 38

19 Hypertension 40

20 Diuretics 42

21 Respiratory conditions I 44

22 Respiratory conditions II 46

23 Opioid analgesics 48

24 Anxiolytics and hypnotics 50

25 Antipsychotics 52

26 Depression 54

27 Epilepsy 56

28 Alcohol: detoxification 58

29 Alcohol: maintaining abstinence 60

30 Smoking cessation 62

31 Fighting infection 64

32 Antibiotics 66

33 Diabetes: insulin 68

34 Diabetes: antiglycaemics 70

35 Thyroid conditions 72

36 Oral contraception 74

37 Anticoagulants 76

38 Antiplatelet drugs 78

39 Musculoskeletal disorders 80

40 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and non-opioid analgesics 82

41 Topical agents and emollients 84

42 Topical steroids 86

Part 3 Safe and effective medicines management 89

43 Medicines management in pregnancy and breastfeeding 90

44 Medicines management in children 92

45 Medicines management in elderly people 94

46 Medicines management in people with hepatic and renal impairment 96

47 Drug interactions 98

48 Adverse drug reactions 100

49 Pharmacovigilance 102

50 Classification of medicines 104

Index 107

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