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The MEGA-BOOK of Instant Word-Building Mats 200 Reproducible Mats to Target & Teach Initial Consonants, Blends, Short Vowels, Long Vowels, Word Families, & More!

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-07-01
  • Publisher: Scholastic Teaching Resources (Teaching Strategies)
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $23.99 Save up to $0.02
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Target and reinforce phonics skills with this treasury of instant wordbuilding mats. Includes reproducible letter tiles.

Author Biography

M'liss Brockman and Susan Peteete are teachers and educational consultants with decades of experience. They are also the authors of 15 Reproducible Cut-and-Paste Dictionaries.

Table of Contents

Introductionp. 5
Teaching With the Matsp. 7
bp. 9
cp. 11
dp. 13
fp. 15
gp. 17
hp. 19
jp. 21
kp. 23
lp. 25
mp. 27
np. 29
pp. 31
rp. 33
sp. 35
tp. 37
wp. 39
yp. 41
Short Vowels
ap. 43
ep. 45
ip. 47
op. 49
up. 51
Long Vowels
ap. 53
ep. 55
ip. 57
op. 59
up. 61
Word Families
-adp. 63
-agp. 65
-amp. 67
-anp. 69
-app. 71
-atp. 73
-awp. 75
-ayp. 77
-acep. 79
-ackp. 81
-ailp. 83
-ainp. 85
-akep. 87
-amep. 89
-anep. 91
-ankp. 93
-apep. 95
-artp. 97
-ashp. 99
-atep. 101
-avep. 103
-edp. 105
-eep. 107
-enp. 109
-etp. 111
-eakp. 113
-earp. 115
-eatp. 117
-eelp. 119
-eepp. 121
-ellp. 123
-entp. 125
-estp. 127
-idp. 129
-igp. 131
-inp. 133
-ipp. 135
-itp. 137
-icep. 139
-ickp. 141
-idep. 143
-illp. 145
-inep. 147
-ingp. 149
-inkp. 151
-obp. 153
-ogp. 155
-opp. 157
-otp. 159
-owp. 161
-oatp. 163
-ockp. 165
-okep. 167
-ookp. 169
-ubp. 171
-ugp. 173
-ump. 175
-uckp. 177
-umpp. 179
-unkp. 181
-yp. 183
Blends & Vowel Pairs
brp. 185
chp. 187
clp. 189
crp. 191
flp. 193
glp. 195
grp. 197
plp. 199
shp. 201
skp. 203
slp. 205
snp. 207
stp. 209
trp. 211
oo 1p. 213
oo 2p. 215
oup. 217
Blank 4-Square Matp. 219
Blank 5-Square Matp. 220
Cut-Out Letter/Lowercasep. 221
Cut-Out Letter/Uppercasep. 223
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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