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Men's Health Ultimate Dumbbell Guide More Than 21,000 Moves Designed to Build Muscle, Increase Strength, and Burn Fat

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-07-24
  • Publisher: Rodale Books
  • Purchase Benefits
List Price: $19.99 Save up to $0.60
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Workout fads and fitness equipment come and go, but as trainers and bodybuilders know: Nothing tops a simple set of dumbbells for convenience, reliability, and versatility when you are trying to build muscles and get in shape. In Men's Health Ultimate Dumbbell Guide, fitness expert and Men's Health contributor Myatt Murphy provides a comprehensive list of dumbbell moves that can be combined into more than 21,000 innovative exercises that produce maximum results. Along with instructions for creating millions of your own personalized combination moves and tips for buying dumbbells that suit your needs, this indispensable addition to your home gym will be the only book you'll ever need to find new ways for getting the most out of this versatile piece of strength-training equipment. Book jacket.

Author Biography

MYATT MURPHY has written articles on exercise, lifestyle, nutrition, and sports for more than 40 worldwide magazines, including Esquire, Fitness, GQ, Men’s Health, and Sports Illustrated. A frequent guest on CNN News and Good Morning America, he is the author of Men’s Health Gym Bible and Men’s Health The Body You Want in the Time You Have.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. ix
The Truth about Dumbbells
Two Weights...Many Options!p. 3
Why You Need Dumbbellsp. 6
How to Pick the Perfect Set to Match Your Musclesp. 12
The Master Moves
Getting Startedp. 21
Everything in the "Right" Orderp. 26
Crunchp. 31
Additional Abdominal Exercisesp. 39
Biceps Curlp. 45
Kickbackp. 68
Lying Extensionp. 75
Preacher Curlp. 84
Triceps Extensionp. 93
Additional Arm Exercisesp. 101
Back Rowp. 104
Deadliftp. 116
Pulloverp. 124
Shrugp. 130
Additional Back Exercisesp. 136
Chest Flyp. 141
Chest Pressp. 148
Additional Chest Exercisesp. 157
Calf Raisep. 162
Lungep. 169
Squatp. 183
Additional Leg Exercisesp. 192
Bent-Over Raisep. 196
Front Raisep. 204
Shoulder Pressp. 212
Side Raisep. 220
Additional Shoulder Exercisesp. 231
A Million Moves for Your Muscles
The 6 Tricks That Quadruple Every Exercise in This Bookp. 237
Create Your Own Specialty Dumbbell Exercise!p. 240
Designing the Best Plan for Your Body!p. 255
Indexp. 263
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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