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Mexican American Voices A Documentary Reader

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  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2009-05-04
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

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This short, comprehensive collection of primary documents provides an indispensable introduction to Mexican American history and culture. Includes over 90 carefully chosen selections, with a succinct introduction and comprehensive headnotes that identify the major issues raised by the documents Emphasizes key themes in US history, from immigration and geographical expansion to urbanization, industrialization, and civil rights struggles Includes a 'visual history' chapter of images that supplement the documents, as well as an extensive bibliography

Author Biography

Steven Mintz is a member of the History Department and director of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Teaching Center at Columbia University.

Table of Contents

Series Editors' Prefacep. xi
Prefacep. xv
Introductionp. 1
The United States' Spanish Heritagep. 19
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Exploring New Spain's Northern Frontier, 154p. 22
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, The Spanish Borderlands, 1540-42p. 24
Don Antonio de Otermin, Resistance and Accommodation in New Mexico, 1680p. 26
Captain F. W. Beechey, Missionary Activity in New Spain's Northern Frontier, 1831p. 30
California's Mission Systemp. 33
Pablo Tac, Life on a California Mission, 1835p. 34
Eulalia Pérez, Duties of a Housekeeper, 1823p. 35
Junípero Serra: Saint or Emissary of Empire?p. 36
Junípero Serra, The Importance of Laborers in the Missions, 1775p. 37
Junípero Serra, On the Lenient Treatment of Indians, 1775p. 38
Pedro Bautista Pino, Description of the Province of New Mexico, 1812p. 39
From Spanish to Mexican Rulep. 41
James Josiah Webb, The Consequences of Mexican Independence, 1844-7p. 42
Miguel Ramos de Arizpe, Anglo-American Settlement in Texas, 1812p. 44
José María Sánchez, Mounting Mexican Fears about the Influx of Anglo-Americans into Texas, 1828p. 45
A Member of the Tejano Elite Favors Anglo-American Immigration into Texas, 1830p. 47
Narcisco Dúran, The Secularization of the California Missions, 1833p. 48
Guadalupe Vallejo, A California Condemns the Intrusion of Anglo-Americans into California, 1890p. 50
From Mexican to Anglo Rule in Texasp. 52
General Manuel de Mier y Terán, Mexican Concern Deepens over the Influx of Anglo-Americans into Texas, 1828p. 53
Slavery in Texas: Pro and Conp. 55
Juan Nepomuceno Seguín, Promotion of the Expansion of Slavery, 1825p. 55
José María Tornel, Denunciation of the Expansion of Slavery, 1837p. 56
Stephen F. Austin, Speech to Justify a War for Independence by Texas, 1836p. 56
Juan Nepomuceno Seguín, A Tejano Leader Calls on Mexicans in Texas to Support the Texas Revolution, 1836p. 60
The Battle of the Alamop. 61
Antonio López de Santa Anna, Perspective on the Battle of the Alamo, 1837p. 62
Vicente Filisola, Perspective on Santa Anna's Strategy, 1849p. 63
Juan Nepomuceno Seguín, The Fate of Tejanos, 1858p. 65
Comisión Pesquisadora de la Frontera del Norte, A Mexican Report Describes the Mistreatment of Mexicans and Mexican Americans in Texas, 1873p. 66
The Mexican Warp. 68
Manifest Destinyp. 69
John L. O'Sullivan Promotes His Idea of "Manifest Destiny," 1845p. 69
José María Tomel y Mendívil Critiques "Manifest Destiny," 1837p. 70
James Knox Polk, The War Commences, 1846p. 71
Ramon Alcaraz, A Controversial War, 1850p. 73
Juan Bautista Vigil y Alarid, Resistance, 1846p. 75
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgop. 77
Article IX, 1848p. 78
Article X, 1848p. 79
Mexico Debates the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgop. 79
Manuel Crescencio Rejon Denounces the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848p. 79
Bernardo Couto Defends the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848p. 80
Legacies of Conquestp. 81
Hutchings' California Magazine, Land Loss in California, 1857p. 82
Antonio María Pico, A Loss of Land and Power, 1859p. 85
Hispano Commercial Club of Las Vegas, Land Loss in New Mexico, 1890p. 88
New Mexico Statehoodp. 89
Harper's Weekly, Reaction to Senate Passage of a Statehood Bill for New Mexico, 1876p. 90
New Mexico Constitution, 1912p. 90
Resistance to Conquestp. 91
Juan Nepomuceno Cortina, A Proclamation to the Inhabitants of the State of Texas, 1859p. 93
Juan Nepomuceno Cortina Pledges Resistance to Intimidation and the Seizure of Land, 1859p. 94
El Corrido de Juan Cortina, Songs of Resistance and Pride, ca. Late Nineteenth Centuryp. 95
Tiburcio Vásquez, Resistance in California, 1874p. 96
John Rollin Ridge, Legend Making: An Account of Joaquín Murieta, 1854p. 98
Visual Historyp. 101
Norman H. Reed, The Mission, Santa Barbara, Cal., ca. 1890p. 103
William Redmond Ryan, Een Waterplaats in Neder Californie, 1850p. 104
Edward W. Clay, Houston, Santa Anna, and Cos, 1836p. 105
Storming of Chapultepec in Mexico, Sept. 13th, 1847, ca. 1848p. 106
S. Lee Perkins, Things as They Are, 1849p. 107
C.E.H. Bonwill, Cortina, 1864p. 108
George Grantham Bain, Mexican Emigrating to U.S., Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, ca. 1912p. 109
Cinco de Mayo, Mogollon, N.M., ca. 1914p. 110
Pearl Idelia Ellis, A Cooking Class of Mexican Girls, 1929p. 111
Dorothea Lange, Some of the Carrot Pickers in the Coachella Valley, 1937p. 112
Russell Lee, Mexican Women Pecan Shellers at Work, Union Plant, San Antonio, Texas, 1939p. 113
Russell Lee, Interior of Mexican Home, San Antonio, Texas, 1939p. 114
New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper, Frank Tellez, Full-Length Portrait, Standing, Facing Right, Wearing Hat and Zoot Suit, 1943p. 115
Paul Davis and Richard Hess, Viva Chávez, Viva la Causa, Viva la Huelga, 1968p. 116
Aguantar: Enduring and Challenging Fate with Bravery and Stylep. 117
Archbishop Lamy, Roman Catholic Church, 1866p. 118
Las Vegas Daily Optic, The White Caps Spell Out Their Position, 1890p. 120
Plan de San Diego, 1915p. 121
LULAC, Community Institutions, 1929p. 124
Governor C.C. Young's Fact-Finding Committee, Labor Activism, 1930p. 126
Frank C. McDonald, Conflict between Farm Workers and Growers in California, 1940p. 129
North from Mexicop. 131
Samuel Bryan, Mexican Americans and Southwestern Growth, 1912p. 133
John Box, Immigration Restriction, 1928p. 137
Ernesto Galarza, A Defense of Immigration from Mexico, 1929p. 139
Merton E. Hill, Americanization, 1931p. 140
Mistreatment of Mexican Immigrantsp. 142
Antonio Gomez, Mexican Consulate, 1920p. 142
Six Unknown Mexicans, Mexican Consulate, 1920p. 143
Enrique Santibonez, Mistreatment of Mexican Immigrants by the Border Patrol, 1930p. 143
Mexican Consulate, Repatriados, 1932p. 144
Carey McWilliams, A Denunciation of the Repatriation Program, 1933p. 145
President's Commission on Migratory Labor, the Bracero Program and Undocumented Workers, 1951p. 148
A Migratory Farm Worker Testifies Before Congress, 1951p. 151
George Stith, Operation Wetback, 1952p. 152
Juanita Garcia, The Plight of Migrant Farm Workers, 1952p. 153
La Causap. 155
Delgado v. Bastrop, LULAC and the American GI Forum Challenge School Segregation, 1948p. 156
Citizens' Committee for the Defense of Mexican-American Youth, The Sleepy Lagoon Case, 1942p. 157
Governor's Citizen's Committee Report on Los Angeles Riots, The Zoot Suit Riots, 1943p. 160
Carlos E. Castañeda, Discrimination against Mexican Americans in War Industries, 1945p. 162
The Méndez Case: Brown v. Board of Education for Mexican Americans, 1946p. 163
The Felix Longoria Case: A Symbol of Discrimination, 1948p. 165
American GI Forum of Texas and the Texas State Federation of Labor, Recommendations on the Bracero Program, 1953p. 166
Hernandez v. Texas, The Supreme Court Overturns the Exclusion of Mexican Americans from Juries, 1954p. 167
Chicanismop. 169
César Chávez, US Senate Testimony on Farm Workers' Unions, 1979p. 170
Dolores Huerta, Proclamation of the Delano Grape Workers, 1969p. 174
Henry B. Gonzalez, A New Militancy, 1969p. 176
José Angel Gutiérrez, The "Sleeping Giant" Awakes, 1969p. 179
Reies López Tijerina, Recovering Lost Lands, 1969p. 182
Rúben Salazar, The National Chicano Moratorium, 1970p. 183
Vilma S. Martínez, The Struggle Continues, 1975p. 185
Mexican American Legal Defense Fund, Myths about Immigrants, 2008p. 187
San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez: Educational Inequality, 1973p. 190
Plyer v. Doe: Assimilation, Separation, or a Third Way? 1982p. 192
MEChA, "El Plan de Santa Barbara," 1969p. 194
Mexican Americans in American Popular Culturep. 197
A Bibliography of Mexican American Historyp. 201
Indexp. 226
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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