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Mindy and the Good Gut Bugs

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-08-17
  • Publisher: Bookbaby
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Mindy mouse likes to trade all the fruits, vegetables, and other foods her mom packs in her school lunch for the deserts her classmates bring in theirs. Over time she develops severe stomach aches that prevent her from playing and learning. With the help of Mrs Heifer, Mindy and her Mom learn how real foods help feed her good gut bugs (probiotics) and keep her feeling good. With this knowledge, Mindy decides to stick with real foods, and save deserts for special occasions. Includes 3 easy recipes using ingredients that help support kids own good gut bugs, just like Mindy.

Author Biography

Brenna Thompson is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian with a passion for teaching people how foods interact with their body and for getting to the root of their problems. She graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato with a B.S. in dietetics, and later completed her Masters of Applied Nutrition through Northeastern University, Boston. She believes that no one eating style is right for everyone person, and what works for some doesn't for others. In her free time Brenna enjoys finding creative ways to use up the produce from her garden, going camping with her husband, raising her new son, falling over in yoga, knitting, and writing. You can find her at brennathompsonrd.com

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