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The Missing Piece Finding the Better Part of Me: A Love Journey

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2018-06-05
  • Publisher: Atria Books
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For anyone who has suffered pain, disappointment, or a broken heart, entrepreneur and motivational speaker Rob Hill, Sr. shares the transformational personal story of his struggles and the invaluable lessons those difficult challenges have taught him about looking within to find the power to heal and live a purposeful life.

Often the greatest opponent we face in the game of life is ourselves. We spend hours, days, and years searching for answers to the questions of our hearts. But the answer is there. Our full awareness of self, our understanding of purpose, and our appreciation for the power of love are the missing pieces needed to heal the pain so many us feel. It was the answer to the pain I felt.

These inspirational nuggets of wisdom are just a few of the priceless life lessons that have struck a chord with hundreds of thousands of people and earned Rob Hill Sr. the title, “heart healer.”

Ever since Hill made the courageous decision to dedicate his life to helping others, his own painful coming-of-age experiences—homelessness, a damaged relationship with his father, hours spent contemplating suicide—have served as the basis for his positive message of healing and transformation. Whether you struggle with fostering healthy relationships, finding love, believing in yourself, overcoming the obstacles life tosses in your way, or any other number of conflicting human experiences, Hill’s perceptive, penetrating yet compassionate words will help you find your way. The Missing Piece is the captivating story of the man behind the powerful, uplifting message, part memoir and part roadmap to deep personal contentment and success.

Author Biography

Rob Hill Sr., affectionately known as the “Heart Healer,” is an author, a proud Navy veteran, and entrepreneur originally from Chesapeake, Virginia. With a social following of nearly one million people, Rob is sought after internationally as a speaker on relationships, purpose-filled living, and community organizing. His writing has become a staple in the lives of those ready to live with purpose, passion, and principle. As he says, “We are all one choice away from a completely different life.” His books—About Something Real, For Single People, I Got You, and Truce: Healing Your Heart After Disappointment—and further information about this “spirit on a mission” are available at RobHillSr.com.

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