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The Modern Day Knight: A Guide on How to Be Her Knight in Shining Armor

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-12-01
  • Publisher: Tate Publishing & Enterprises
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Knights of swords and armor may be gone, but their ideals live on...It takes more than noble blood to be a knight in the world of todayand if a man seeks to become one, he must strive for something more. In The Modern Day Knight, Adams believes that through the example of these chivalric beings we can learn a great deal about what we can become. Honorable virtues and ethics should be taught religiously, whether one exercises them in public or in private.The Modern Day Knight deals specifically with this matter, particularly when it comes to how a knight must treat his lady. In this short but informative guide, The Modern Day Knight shares with its reader valuable knowledge about relationships that is to be understood by all. Author Biography Author Rocky Adams served a two year mission for his church in San Jose, California where he received much of his inspiration. He attends church regularly, and has held many callings from Ward Mission Leader to a Primary teacher. He is an avid learner and practitioner of both eastern martial arts and the European long sword. Adams hopes to one day open a Modern Day Knight Society training young men and women in both arts while learning a Code of morals as well. Until that happens, he will pursue his true passionwriting. He and his family currently reside in the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma area. Modern Living Lifestyle Historical

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