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Modern Dutch Studies Essays in honour of Professor Peter King on the occasion of his retirement

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2015-11-19
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Modern Dutch Studies Essays in honour of Professor Peter King on the occasion of his retirement [ISBN: 9781474241458] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Wintle, M. J.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


These essays by leading scholars explore the integration of language and literature study in the fields of art history and social sciences, exploring as a result the scope and nature of the discipline of Dutch Studies today.

Author Biography

M. J. Wintle is Chair of Modern European History in the Department of European Studies at University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Table of Contents

1 Modern Dutch Studies: An Introduction

PART I: Language and Translation
2 On Translating Proper Names, with Reference to De Witte and Max Havelaar
3 Sir John Bowring (1792-1832) as a Translator and Publicist of Dutch Literature and Culture
4 The Germanic Glory-Hole: On Translating the Poetry of P.C. Boutens
5 How Difficult are the Phrasal Verbs for Dutch Learners of English
6 Dutch CALL at Hull: An Evaluation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning

PART II: Literature
7 Gertrude van Oosten and 'Het daghet in den Oosten'
8 The Biblical Plays of the Rhetoricians and the Pageants of Oudenaarde and Lille
9 Old High German in Ghent in 1549
10 Criminal Biographies or Picaresque Novels? An Investigation of the Dutch Translations of The English Rogue and Moll Flanders
11 Anglo-Saxon Impressions: P.N. van Eyck, J.C. Bloem, A. Roland Holst and English Poetry
12 A Closer Look at M. Nijhoff's 'Langs een wereld' ('Passing Worlds')
13 The Significance of Proper Nouns in Bordewijk's Bint
14 A Faulknerian Device in Dutch Narrative Prose

PART III: Social Sciences
15 The Adoption and Rejection of Elements of Marxism in the Dutch Trade Union Movement, 1890-1934
16 Ideas for a New Regime in the Netherlands after the Defeat of 1940
17 The Abortive Dutch Assault on European Tariffs, 1950-2
18 Political Culture in Belgium
19 Social Development in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: A Review of Historical Research since 1970

PART IV: The Visual Arts
20 Godfried Schalcken's Allegory of Virtue and Riches
21 Theo van Doesburg: 'Art/Criticism'

Bibliography: The Principal Publications of P.K. King

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