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The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2017-07-04
  • Publisher: Adams Media Corp
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From the author of the Modern Witchcraft series comes a new book on romantic spells to bring you love, companionship, and passion, with straightforward, accessible spell instructions.

The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells is a comprehensive collection that will help you get the love you want—from manifesting a mate, to blessing and helping new love, to helping you reconnect with a partner and stoking the flame to add fire to your romance.

This book will guide you toward your romantic desires to find love—with the help of a little magic!

Author Biography

Skye Alexander is the award-winning author of more than thirty fiction and nonfiction books, including Your Goddess Year, The Only Tarot Book You’ll Ever Need, The Modern Guide to WitchcraftThe Modern Witchcraft Spell BookThe Modern Witchcraft GrimoireThe Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot, and The Modern Witchcraft Book of Love Spells. Her stories have been published in anthologies internationally, and her work has been translated into more than a dozen languages. The Discovery Channel featured her in the TV special, Secret Stonehenge, doing a ritual at Stonehenge. She divides her time between Texas and Massachusetts.

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