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Montana Memories : The Life of Emma Magee in the Rocky Mountain West, 1866-1950

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-01-01
  • Publisher: Univ of Nebraska Pr
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List Price: $10.95 Save up to $0.33
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MONTANA MEMORIES is the story of a mixed-blood Shoshoni-white lady, Emma Minesinger Waymack Magee, who lived in western Montana and southern Alberta between 1866 and 1950. She was born in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana among the Salish Indians and died in St. Ignatius on the Flathead Indian Reservation. Her experiences making a living and surviving over the years make exciting reading. The book also includes stories from her father about trading with the Indians of western Montana and the Nez Perce War of 1877. Especially valuable are Emma's description of her schooling in Missoula and the experiences of her daughter at the Ursuline School at St. Ignatius. When she was born in 1866 her family was part of the western Montana white community, but by 1950, when she died, she and most of the mixed-blood people in Montana were considered Indians.

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