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The Mystery of Christ in the Fathers of the Church Essays in Honour of D. Vincent Twomey SVD

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2012-06-13
  • Publisher: Four Courts Press

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Looking to rent a book? Rent The Mystery of Christ in the Fathers of the Church Essays in Honour of D. Vincent Twomey SVD [ISBN: 9781846823701] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Rutherford, Janet E.; Woods, David. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


The Patristic Symposium, St Patrick's College Maynooth, has produced this special volume in celebration of the 25th anniversary of its founding by D. Vincent Twomey SVD. Contents include: Christ the Gardener - Christus hortulanus * Jerome's De viris illustribus and Latin Perceptions of the New Testament's Canon * Mutual love: Locus of the Trinity in Augustine's De trinitate * The Controversies over Chalcedon and the Beginnings of Scholastic Theology: The Case of John Philoponus * Divine Genus - Divine Species: John Philoponus' Impact on Contemporary Chalcedonian Theology * Human Fulfillment in Maximus Confessor * Bede, Annus Domini, and the Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum * Adomnan on St. Columba as Imitator of Christ * Audience, Visuality and Naturalism: Depicting the Crucifixion in Tenth-Century Irish Art * Will of Man and Will of God in the Poetical Vision of Narekatsi * The Sources in the Earlier Latin Tradition of the References to Salvation in the Carmelite Rule * Augustine, Sixteenth-Century Reformations and Escaping Predestination * Franz Overbeck's Understanding of the Origins of Theology in the Patristic Period.

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