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The Mythology of Crime and Criminal Justice

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1996-02-01
  • Publisher: Waveland Pr Inc
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List Price: $18.95

Table of Contents

The social construction of crime mythsp. 1
Crime waves, fears, and social realityp. 33
The myth and fear of missing childrenp. 53
Myth and murder : the serial killer panicp. 77
Of stalkers and murder : spreading myth to common crimep. 97
Organized crime : the myth of an underworld empirep. 115
Corporate crime and "higher immorality"p. 147
Apocalypse now : the lost war on drugsp. 175
Juvenile superpredators : the myths of killer kids, dangerous schools, and a youth crime wavep. 215
Battered and blue crime fighters : myths and misconceptions of police workp. 235
Order in the courts : the myth of equal justicep. 263
Cons and country clubs : the mythical utility of punishmentp. 287
The myth of a lenient criminal justice systemp. 313
Capital punishment : the myth of murder as effective crime controlp. 329
Merging myths and misconceptions of crime and justicep. 357
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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