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Native Americans And The Criminal Justice System

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2005-12-15
  • Publisher: Routledge

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Native Americans and the Criminal Justice Systemoffers a comprehensive approach to explaining the causes, effects, and solutions for the presence and plight of Native Americans in the criminal justice system. Contributions from scholars and experts in Native American issues examine the ways in which society's response to Native Americans is often socially constructed. The contributors work to dispel the myths surrounding the crimes committed by Native Americans and blanket assertions about the role of criminal justice agencies that interact with Native Americans. In doing so, the contributors emphasize the historical, social, and cultural roots of Anglo-European conflicts with Native peoples and how they are manifested in the criminal justice system. Selected chapters also consider the global and cross-national ramifications of Native Americans and crime. This book systematically analyzes the broad nature of the subject area, including unique and emerging problems, theoretical issues, and policy implications.

Table of Contents

Foreword ix
Duane Champagne
Preface and Acknowledgments xiii
Part I Introduction
Native Americans, Criminal Justice, Criminological Theory, and Policy Development
Jeffrey Ian Ross
Larry Gould
Part II Theoretical Issues in the Area of Native Americans and Criminal Justice
Navajo Criminal Justice: A Jungian Perspective
Marilyn Holly
Criminalizing Culture: An Anthropologist Looks at Native Americans and the U.S. Legal System
Dorothy H. Bracey
Justice as Phoenix: Traditional Indigenous Law, Restorative Justice, and the Collapse of the State
James W. Zion
The Link between Environmental Policy and the Colonization Process and Its Effects on American Indian Involvement in Crime, Law, and Society
Linda Robyn
Thom Alcoze
Part III Current Policy Issues Affecting Native Americans and Criminal Justice
Alcoholism, Colonialism, and Crime
Larry Gould
Examining the Interpretation and Application of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978
Tracey M. Bouvier
Law Enforcement and the American Indian: Challenges and Obstacles to Effective Law Enforcement
Eileen Luna-Firebaugh
Samuel Walker
Policing Native Americans Off the Rez
Jeffrey Ian Ross
Imprisonment and American Indian Medicine Ways: A Comparative Analysis of Conflicting Cultural Beliefs, Values, and Practices
William G. Archambeault
Criminalization of the Treaty Right to Fish: Response of the Great Lakes Chippewa
Linda Robyn
Indian Gaming and the American Indian Criminal Justice System
Nicholas C. Peroff
Research on Juvenile Deliquency in Indian Communities: Resisting Generalization
Lisa Bond-Maupin
Taka X. Good Tracks
James R. Maupin
Recent Trends in Community-Based Strategies for Dealing with Juvenile Crime in the Navajo Nation
Marianne O. Nielsen
Dorothy Fulton
Ivan Tsosie
Scattered Like the Reindeer: Alaska Natives and the Loss of Autonomy
Nella Lee
Part IV Conclusion
Integrating the Past, Present, and Future
Larry Gould
Jeffrey Ian Ross
Bibliography 243(24)
Index 267(2)
About the Editors and Contributors 269

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