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Neutral Currents Twenty Years Later

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1994-05-01
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Table of Contents

Opening Addressp. 1
Opening lecturep. 3
The Gargamelle programmep. 17
The observation of leptonic neutral currents in the Gargamelle experimentp. 43
Observation of hadronic neutral currents in the Gargamelle experimentp. 55
Observation of hadronic weak neutral currents in Gargamellep. 69
First observation of neutral currents at NALp. 95
The observation of neutral currents in the Caltech-Fermilab experimentp. 111
Discovery of neutral currents in exclusive channelsp. 133
About the genesis of the Standard Modelp. 151
Neutrino masses and mixingp. 169
Neutrino oscillations experimentsp. 187
Weak neutral currents in the Standard Modelp. 211
Neutral currents as a test of theories beyond the Standard Modelp. 233
Neutral currents in atoms, experiments in Cesium and implicationsp. 247
Parity nonconservation in atoms with T violation : present results and future prospectsp. 271
Leptonic neutral currentsp. 287
Hadronic neutral currentsp. 305
Search for new physics at LEPp. 309
Electroweak physics of heavy flavours at LEPp. 345
Parity-violation at the Z at LEPp. 347
Precise measurements of Z[superscript 0] parameters at LEPp. 361
e[superscript +]e[superscript -] collisions at the SLC : the left-right asymmetryp. 379
Neutral currents in ep collisions at HERAp. 393
Solar neutrino spectroscopyp. 411
Are there astrophysical solutions to the solar neutrino puzzle?p. 423
Neutrinos and supernovaep. 441
Neutrinos from Astrophysical Originp. 457
Neutrinos as dark matter and neutrinos from dark matterp. 459
New developments in Particle Astrophysicsp. 475
Closing lecturep. 477
List of Participantsp. 479
Author Indexp. 487
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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