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The New Christian Counselor

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2015-10-01
  • Publisher: Harvest House Pub
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Seasoned counselors and professors Ron Hawkins and Tim Clinton offer a comprehensive guide that empowers Christian counselors by clarifying their task: to help people take possession of their souls& through the power of the Spirit under the authority of the Word within a supportive community of accountability that they may be like Christ. The authors address head-on today#x19;s enticing new imitations of true peace and tantalizing opportunities for people in pain to anesthetize themselves. But they also highlight the foundation of hope: God loves, he empowers, and he refuses to abandon his passion for connection with his children. Case studies illustrate how to help people take possession of the thinking self, the feeling self, the decision-making self, the physical self, and the relational self. This comprehensive plan for effective intervention is perfect for lay counselors, students, and professionals looking for ways to integrate their faith and practice.

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