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New Jersey Uncorked A Snob-Free Taste of NJ Wine

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-08-20
  • Publisher: Bookbaby
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New Jersey Uncorked is your guided tour to the state's wineries and wines, with an emphasis on what New Jersey is doing right. It contains insider tips and recommendations. The material is presented in an attractive, handy format, without a lot of jargon. The book is divided into three geographical sections: South, Central and North. A unique visual feature is the use of icons to quickly identify at a glance, some of the things a winery has to offer (entertainment, dining, picnicking, pet-friendly and weddings). Plan your visits with its useful information for wine lovers of every stripe. This book is a celebration of the Garden State's wineries, a guide for those wanting to explore them and a helpful look at the state's wines that have been overlooked too often and for too long.

Author Biography

David is a life-long resident of New Jersey and long-time wine enthusiast. His travels and interest in wine led him to course work at the Wine School of Philadelphia, culminating in his sommelier certification from the National Wine School. He has visited many great wineries across the nation, including all of New Jersey's 51 wineries (counting a couple that are not yet open to the public). His approach to writing about wine is a "snob-free" one (where readers who are "wine newbies" or wine aficionados are equally respected). His hope is that the reader will share his passion for wine and a pursuit to continually learn more (while having fun). You can also follow David's New Jersey wine journey on his blog: newjerseyuncorked.com.

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