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The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-11-10
  • Publisher: Psychology Pres

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According to John Adair, the most important word in the leader's vocabulary is "we" and the least important word is "I". If this is true, it raises one important question: Why do psychological analyses of leadership always focus on the leader as an individual - the great "I".

Author Biography

S. Alexander Haslam is Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology at the University of Exeter. Stephen D. Reicher is Professor of Psychology at the University of St Andrews. Michael J. Platow is Associate Professor of Psychology at the Australian National University.

Table of Contents

List of figuresp. ix
List of tablesp. xi
Forewordp. xiii
Prefacep. xix
Acknowledgmentsp. xxv
The old psychology of leadership: Great men and the cult of personalityp. 1
Leadership in history: The "great man" and his charismap. 2
The political decline of the "great man" approach: The impact of the "great dictators"p. 5
The standardization of leadership: Personality models and their failingsp. 7
The biographical approach: Looking for the roots of greatness in personal historiesp. 10
The theoretical deficiency of individualistic modelsp. 12
The political deficiency of individualistic modelsp. 14
The faulty definition of leadershipp. 16
Conclusion: Five criteria for a useful psychology of leadershipp. 17
The current psychology of leadership: Issues of context and contingency, transaction and transformationp. 21
The importance of context and contingencyp. 22
The importance of followersp. 28
The importance of that "special something"p. 38
Conclusion: The need for a new psychology of leadershipp. 42
Foundations for the new psychology of leadership: Social identity and self-categorizationp. 45
Social identity and group behaviorp. 46
Social identity and collective powerp. 60
Defining social identitiesp. 64
Conclusion: Setting the agenda for a new psychology of leadershipp. 73
Being one of us: Leaders as in-group prototypesp. 77
The importance of standing for the groupp. 78
Prototypicality and leadership effectivenessp. 82
Prototypicality and leadership stereotypesp. 94
Prototypicality and the creativity of leadersp. 103
Conclusion: To lead us, leaders must represent "us"p. 106
Doing it for us: Leaders as in-group championsp. 109
The importance of fairnessp. 111
From fairness to group interestp. 118
Clarifying the group interestp. 130
Conclusion: To engage followers, leaders' actions and visions must promote group interestsp. 132
Crafting a sense of us: Leaders as entrepreneurs of identityp. 137
The complex relationship between reality, representativeness, and leadershipp. 138
Social identities as world-making resourcesp. 143
Who can mobilize us? The importance of defining category prototypesp. 147
Who is mobilized? The importance of defining category boundariesp. 155
What is the nature of mobilization? The importance defining category contentp. 159
Conclusion: Leaders are masters not slaves of identityp. 162
Making us matter: Leaders as embedders of identityp. 165
Identity as a moderator of the relationship between authority and powerp. 166
Leaders as artists of identityp. 171
Leaders as impresarios of identityp. 179
Leaders as engineers of identityp. 188
Conclusion: Leadership and the production of power both center on the hard but rewarding work of identity managementp. 192
Identity leadership at large: Prejudice, practice, and politicsp. 197
The prejudice of leadershipp. 198
The practice of leadershipp. 205
The politics of leadershipp. 215
Notesp. 219
Referencesp. 223
Glossaryp. 245
Index of leaders and leadership contextsp. 253
Author indexp. 257
Subject indexp. 263
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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