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The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-11-10
  • Publisher: Psychology Pres

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According to John Adair, the most important word in the leader's vocabulary is "we" and the least important word is "I". But if this is true, it raises one important question: Why do psychological analyses of leadership always focus on the leader as an individual #xE2;#xAC;#x1D; as the great "I"? One answer is that theorists and practitioners have never properly understood the psychology of "we-ness". This book fills this gap by presenting a new psychology of leadership that is the result of two decades of research inspired by social identity and self-categorization theories. The book argues that to succeed, leaders need to create, champion, and embed a group identity in order to cultivate an understanding of 'us' of which they themselves are representative. It also shows how, by doing this, they can make a material difference to the groups, organizations, and societies that they lead. #xE3;#xAC;#xAC; Written in an accessible and engaging style, the book examines a range of central theoretical and practical issues, including the nature of group identity, the basis of authority and legitimacy, the dynamics of justice and fairness, the determinants of followership and charisma, and the practice and politics of leadership. The book will appeal to academics, practitioners and students in social and organizational psychology, sociology, political science and anyone interested in leadership, influence and power.

Author Biography

S. Alexander Haslam is Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology at the University of Exeter. Stephen D. Reicher is Professor of Psychology at the University of St Andrews. Michael J. Platow is Associate Professor of Psychology at the Australian National University.

Table of Contents

Themes and Perspectives in Developmental Psychology
Maturation and Ethology
Stage Theories: Freud and Piaget
Developmental Psychology
The Development of Thinking
Stages of Cognitive Development
Piaget's Explanation of Cognitive Development
Traditional Learning Theory as a Contrasting Explanation of Development
A Supplement to Piaget's Theory: Self-centered Adolescents
Further Reading
Do Piaget's Theory and Findings Stand Up to Examination? Infant Competence
Competence in Early Childhood
Concrete Thought in Adolescence
The Impact of Post-Piagetian Research
Constructivism and Social Constructivism
Further Reading
What Children Understand about the Mind
Have Children Been Underestimated?
Is Development Stage-like?
What Causes Development?
Competence in Deception
Further Reading
What is Autism?
The Theory of Mind Hypothesis
Can Some Children with Autism Acknowledge False Belief?
Inflexibility in Thought
Weak Central Coherence
Further Reading
Developing an Ability to See the World
Perception of the World as 3-D
Perception of Social Stimuli
The Role of Experience and Learning in Perceptual Development
Developing an Ability to Draw
Intellectual Realism
Is Intellectual Realism Confined to Early Childhood?
Size of Drawing as an Indication of Significance of the Topic
Children's Drawings in Cases of Incest
Further Reading
The Role of Heredity and Environment in Intelligence
What is Inherited?
Intelligence: Heredity versus Environment
Describing and Testing the Concept of Intelligence
Problems with Testing Intelligence
Heritability of Intelligence
Evaluating the Twin Studies
Environmental Factors and IQ
The Social Environment
IQ, Elitism, and Racism
Further Reading
Language Development
The Components of Language
A Description of Language Development
Vocabulary Development
Theories of Language Acquisition
Chomsky's Theory of Innate Language Development
A Second Look at the Environment
Further Reading
Developing an Ability to Communicate
Egocentric Speech
Young Children's Sensitivity to Their Listener
Strengths and Weaknesses in Young Children's Communication
Do Young Children Treat Utterances as Clues to Meaning?
Children Overestimate Their Ability to Interpret Correctly
Are Young Children Too Literal?
Evaluating Utterances and Detecting Ambiguity
Is Egocentrism Responsible for Children's Communicative Difficulties?
Parenting and the Development of Love and Attachment
Types of Attachment
The Sociobiology of Attachment
Single versus Multiple Attachments
Internal Working Model
Further Reading
Freud's Theory of Personality Development
Freud on Personality and Hysteria
The Tools of Psychoanalysis
The Components of Personality
Stages of Development
Is Freud's Theory Useful?
Moral Development
Piaget's Moral Realist and Moral Subjectivist
Evaluation of Piaget's Theory
Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Reasoning
Evaluation of Kohlberg's Stage Theory
Prosocial Behavior
Moral Emotions
Further Reading
Development of Antisocial Behavior
What is Aggression?
Are Children Born Good or Bad?
Catharsis, or Learning to be Violent
Aggressive Behavior Can Be Learned
Does Watching Violent TV Make Children Violent?
Naturalistic and Controlled Studies of the Link between TV and Aggression
Exposure to Violent TV Promotes Aggression
Other Influences on Aggression
Frustration as a Cause for Aggression
Attention Seeking and Reject
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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