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Nonviolent Communication Toolkit for Facilitators Interactive Activities and Awareness Exercises Based on 18 Key Concepts for the Development of NVC Skills and Consciousness

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-12-01
  • Publisher: PuddleDancer Press

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Supplemental Materials

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Internationally respected NVC trainers, Judi Morin, Raj Gill, and Lucy Leu have come together to codify more than twenty years of training experience in one hands-on facilitator guide. Whether you’re a new facilitator, a seasoned trainer looking to incorporate a more experiential approach, or a team of trainers, the Nonviolent Communication Toolkit for Facilitators has a wealth of resources for you. By breaking Nonviolent Communication down into 18 key concepts, this toolkit provides succinct teaching tools that can be used on their own for shorter sessions, or combined for a long-term or multi-session training.

Author Biography

Judi Morin joined the Sisters of St. Ann and taught children for six years, some in a school for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous children. She then spent five years at the University of Alaska working in campus ministry on an ecumenical team. She returned home to work as a prison chaplain at a psych center and at a medium security prison outside Victoria on a team with a priest. She returned to university chaplaincy and began facilitating Nonviolent Communication in the prison as well as in the community. Judi joined with Raj Gill and Lucy Leu to write the NVC Toolkit for Facilitators. Raj Gill is certified in Conversational Intelligence® and is a certified professional co-active coach, a certified administrator for the MHS EQ-i 2.0, a highly regarded and valuable emotional intelligence psychometric assessment, and a trainer certified by the International Centre for Nonviolent Communication. She is the coauthor of the Nonviolent Communication Toolkit for Facilitators. Her practice includes coaching and training in communication with compassion, mediation, and emotional intelligence. Her goal is to make the skills easy to integrate into daily life. Lucy Leu spent her childhood in Taiwan, studied and lived in the US, Japan, and Europe. Her life took a turn in 1995 when she met Marshall Rosenberg. While serving on the first board of directors at the Center for Nonviolent Communication, she launched the NVC community in Seattle and cofounded Freedom Project, an organization offering NVC and mindfulness trainings inside prisons. Lucy edited Marshall’s book, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, wrote the Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook, and coauthored the Nonviolent Communication Toolkit for Facilitators.

Supplemental Materials

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