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The Original Depression Handbook A Complete Guide to Understanding and Treating Depression

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-08-07
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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List Price: $8.52 Save up to $0.01
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"The Original Depression Handbook, A Complete Guide to Understanding and Treating Depression" was written for those who suffer quietly inside the confines of their own minds. The book offers insight and support for those who are either internalizing their feelings, and those who are not even aware that they are struggling with Major Depressive Disorder. It can be read from front to back, but it does not need to be. This is a reference book that can be read in any order. Due to the severity and overwhelming number of un-diagnosed and untreated people who suffer from depression, the goal is that "The Original Depression Handbook" will be part of everyone's home, schools, libraries, medical institutions, doctors' offices, and counselors' offices. This is a must-read book that encourages readers to take the appropriate steps to begin a new more enjoyable life, free from depression.

This book also offers information and specific details on how to set up a complete plan of care for treating depression. It educates the reader on the facts about depression while dismissing the commonly associated myths about depression. "The Original Depression Handbook" goes even further by discussing the relationship between depression and suicide ideations and attempted suicides. In doing so, it offers readers realistic tactics that help prevent suicide attempts.

Author Biography

Mark Liptak, the author of "The Original Depression Handbook: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Treating Depression" lived with untreated depression for 55 years. Despite this infliction, he graduated from LeMoyne College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and from Onondaga Community College with an Associate's Degree in Nursing. He currently lives in Memphis, NY along the Seneca River with his wife.

Being reasonably successful throughout his career, his depression cost him several jobs and a 28-year marriage that ended in divorce. For years he self-medicated with cigarettes and alcohol not realizing why he always felt so sad, lonely, and worthless. From this, the idea for a depression handbook was born in the hopes that the journey he had traveled could be avoided by others.

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