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Original Instructions

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-01-16
  • Publisher: Bear & Co

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Indigenous leaders and other visionaries suggest solutions to today’s global crisis

• Original Instructions are ancient ways of living from the heart of humanity within the heart of nature

• Explores the convergence of indigenous and contemporary science and the re-indigenization of the world’s peoples

• Includes authoritative indigenous voices, including John Mohawk and Winona LaDuke

For millennia the world’s indigenous peoples have acted as guardians of the web of life for the next seven generations. They’ve successfully managed complex reciprocal relationships between biological and cultural diversity. Awareness of indigenous knowledge is reemerging at the eleventh hour to help avert global ecological and social collapse. Indigenous cultural wisdom shows us how to live in peace--with the earth and one another.

Original Instructions evokes the rich indigenous storytelling tradition in this collection of presentations gathered from the annual Bioneers conference. It depicts how the world’s native leaders and scholars are safeguarding the original instructions, reminding us about gratitude, kinship, and a reverence for community and creation. Included are more than 20 contemporary indigenous leaders--such as Chief Oren Lyons, John Mohawk, Winona LaDuke, and John Trudell. These beautiful, wise voices remind us where hope lies.

Author Biography

Melissa K. Nelson, Ph.D., is an ecologist, writer, educator, and social activist whose work is dedicated to indigenous revitalization and cross-cultural reconciliation. She is a professor of American Indian studies at San Francisco State University and president of The Cultural Conservancy, a nonprofit indigenous rights organization. She also coproduced the award-winning documentary short film The Salt Song Trail: Bringing Creation Back Together. She is a member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. xv
About Bioneersp. xvii
Bioneers and Editor's Statement on Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rightsp. xix
Preface: Remembering the Original Instructionsp. xxi
Introduction: Lighting the Sun of Our Future-How These Teachings Can Provide Illuminationp. 1
Uncovering the Eco-Spiritual Values of the Original Instructions
Listening to Natural Lawp. 22
First Nations Survival and the Future of the Earthp. 27
Acoma Coexistence and Continuancep. 36
Ethics from the Land: Traditional Protocols and the Maintenance of Peacep. 39
Indigenous Knowledge as the Basis for Our Futurep. 42
Clear Thinking: A Positive Solitary View of Naturep. 48
Indigenous Democracies
The Iroquois Confederacyp. 54
A Democracy Based on Peacep. 59
An Okanagan Worldview of Societyp. 66
Peace Technologies from the San Bushmen of Africap. 75
The Art and Science of Kinship
Where Is the Holy Land?p. 86
Restoring Indigenous History and Culture to Naturep. 88
Protecting Water Quality and Religious Freedom at the Isleta Pueblop. 116
The Art of Thriving in Placep. 126
Indigenous Feminine Power: in Honor of Sky Woman
She Is Us: Thought Woman and the Sustainability of Worshipp. 138
Ethiopian Women: From Passive Resources to Active Citizensp. 145
Powerful Like a River: Reweaving the Web of Our Lives in Defense of Environmental and Reproductive Justicep. 154
You Are Where You Eat: Native Foods and Traditional Agriculture
From the First to the Last Bite: Learning from the Food Knowledge of Our Ancestorsp. 170
Re-Indigenizing Our Bodies and Minds through Native Foodsp. 180
Dancing for the Apus: Andean Food and Farmingp. 196
On the Importance of Our Connection to Foodp. 201
Protecting the Culture and Genetics of Wild Ricep. 206
Cultural Change, Climate Change, and the Future of Civilizationp. 215
Decolonization and Global Indigenous Struggles for Justice
Protecting the Web of Life: Indigenous Knowledge and Biojusticep. 220
Return of the Ancient Council Ways: Indigenous Survival in Chiapasp. 229
Front Line of Resistance: Indigenous Peoples and Energy Developmentp. 239
Speaking for the Voicelessp. 247
Re-Indigenization Definedp. 252
El Poder de la Palabra/The Power of the Word: Toward a Nahuatl/Mestizo Consciousnessp. 265
Mending the Split-Head Society with Trickster Consciousnessp. 288
Re-Nativization in North and South Americap. 298
Taro Roots Run Deep: Hawaiian Restoration of Sacred Foods and Communitiesp. 304
The Power of Being a Human Beingp. 318
Indigenous Resourcesp. 324
Notesp. 338
Bibliographyp. 343
Contributorsp. 347
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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