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Perspectives on Our Struggle with Sin Three Views of Romans 7

by ; ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2011-11-01
  • Publisher: B&H Academic
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"For I do not understand what I am doing, because I do not practice what I want to do, but I do what I hate." -Romans 7:15, HCSB Perspectives on Our Struggle with Sinpresents in point-counterpoint form three differing views of a Christian's relationship with the law, flesh, and spirit as illustrated through Paul's often-debated words in Romans 7. Stephen Chester (North Park Theological Seminary) writes "The Retrospective View of Romans 7: Paul's Past in Present Perspective," suggesting the apostle's description of his struggle speaks more to his pre-Christian self. Grant Osborne (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) offers "Paul's Christian Experience," perceiving Romans 7 as an accurate representation of what believers go through even after their conversion. Mark Seifrid (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), in "The Voice of the Law, the Cry of Lament, and the Shout of Thanksgiving," asserts that Paul is not speaking of his past or his present Christian experience in Romans 7, but more fundamentally and simply about "the human being confronted with the Law." Book editors Terry L. Wilder and Chad Owen Brand frame the passionate discussion with essays on "A History of the Exegesis and Interpretation of Romans 7" and "The Theological Import of Romans 7."

Author Biography

Chad Owen Brand is professor of Christian Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, as well as associate dean of Biblical and Theological Studies at the seminary's Boyce College. He was also an editor of the Apologetics Study Bible. Terry L. Wilder is professor of New Testament at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, where he received the M.Div. with Biblical Languages degree. He also holds a Ph.D. in New Testament Exegesis and Interpretation from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.

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