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The PLAN Manage Your Time Like a Lazy Genius

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2024-10-08
  • Publisher: Convergent Books
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The New York Times bestselling author of The Lazy Genius Way brings her signature Kind Big Sister Energy to a practical time management book for people weary of productivity but eager to live a good life.

If productivity systems tend to let you down, reading The PLAN will be such a relief.

Most time-management books leave you feeling inadequate, focusing on greatness and optimization. But what if you want to simply live your life without chasing productivity at every turn? Is there a way to manage your time without being at its mercy?

Absolutely, and The PLAN will show you how.

In her signature “Kind Big Sister” style, Kendra Adachi offers a fresh take on managing your time. Using the memorable acronym PLAN, you will learn to prepare, live, adjust, and notice like a Lazy Genius, all through the lens of what matters to you in your current season. With The PLAN, you’ll

• discover two beliefs that will change your time management forever
• integrate your hormones, personality, and life stage into your planning process
• use the Lighten the Load framework to get your stuff done
• experience freedom from the crushing pressure of greatness, potential, and hustle
• live wholeheartedly today

Refreshingly compassionate and immediately practical, The PLAN is what you’ve been waiting for.

Author Biography

Kendra Adachi is a two-time New York Times bestselling author, the creator of The Lazy Genius Podcast, and an expert on compassionate time management. She lives in NC with her husband and three kids.

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