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A Pleasure to Burn:: Fahrenheit 451 Stories

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-03-31
  • Publisher: Subterranean
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List Price: $35.00


"A Pleasure to Burn" is the ideal companion to Bradbury's great novel "Fahrenheit 451." Edited by Bradbury authority Donn Albright, this generous volume gathers 16 vintage stories and novellas for a significant publishing event for scholars, aficionados, and casual readers.

Table of Contents

The Reincarnatep. 9
Pillar of Firep. 25
The Libraryp. 63
Bright Phoenixp. 67
The Mad Wizards of Marsp. 75
Carnival of Madnessp. 89
Bonfirep. 105
The Cricket on the Hearthp. 111
The Pedestrianp. 121
The Garbage Collectorp. 127
The Smilep. 133
Long After Midnightp. 139
The Firemanp. 203
The Dragon Who Ate His Tailp. 275
Sometime Before Dawnp. 279
To the Futurep. 287
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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