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Political Parties, Campaigns, and Elections

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2000-01-01
  • Publisher: Pearson College Div
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List Price: $38.00


Written by the top scholars in this area, this reference gives readers the background necessary to understand the readings and issues before making up their own minds. This collection of 21 essays covers the seven areas of campaigns and elections crucial to understanding the topic. Areas include nomination, money, media, voter turnout, voting, realignment, and governance. For anyone interested in Campaigns and Elections, and Parties and Elections.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Nominating Process.
. Divisive Primaries and Democratic Party Electoral Prospects, James I. Lengle, Diana Owen, Molly W. Sonner, The Caucus/Convention System: A Tradition Worth Preserving, James W. Davis Overview: A Quarter-Century of Direct Democracy in Presidential Nomination Campaigns: What's The Verdict? John Haskell.

Chapter 2: Money and Campaigns.
The Presidency: Not For Sale, Michael Roginson, Clyde Wilcox, and Paul Marshall. The Limits of Campaign Spending Limits, Stanley C. Brubaker. Overview: New Realities, New Thinking, The Task Force on Campaign Finance Reform, Citizens' Research Foundation.

Chapter 3: The Media and Campaigns.
There They Go Again: Media Coverage of Campaign '96, S. Robert Lichter and Richard E. Noyes. TV Ad Wars: How to Cut Advertising Costs in Political Campaigns, Fred Wertheimer. Overview: In Defense of Negative Campaigning, William G. Mayer.

Chapter 4: Voting: The Matter of Turnout.
Voter Turnout in U.S. Presidential Elections: A Historical View and Some Speculation, Peter F. Nardulli, Jon K. Dalager, and Donald E. Greco. Compulsory Voting Is the Best Way to Keep Democracy Strong, Arend Liphart. Overview: Just How Much Difference Does Turnout Really Make? Ruy Teixeira.

Chapter 5: The Voting Decision.
Theories of Voting, Martin P. Wattenberg. Scholars Misinterpret the Data About Independent Voters, Raymond E. Wolfinger. Overview: Discourse and the Voting Decision, Marion R. Just, Ann N. Crigler, Dean E. Alger, Timothy E. Cook, Montagne Kern, and Darrell West.

Chapter 6: Voting: A Macro-Level View.
1996 Vote; The “No Majority” Realignment Continues, Everett Carll Ladd. Ideological Realignment in the U.S. Electorate, Alan I. Abramowitz and Kyle L. Saunders. Overview: The Passing of Realignment and The Advent of the “Base-Less” Party System, Daniel M. Shea.

Chapter 7: Parties, Elections, and Governance.
Myth of the Presidential Mandate, Robert A. Dahl. Parliamentary Government in the United States? Gerald M. Pomper. Overview: The Causes and Consequences of Divided Government: Lessons of 1992-1994, Morris P. Florina.

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