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Population in China

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-01-30
  • Publisher: Polity

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China is home to a fifth of the worlds inhabitants. For the last several decades, this huge population has been in flux: fertility has fallen sharply, mortality has declined, and massive rural-to-urban migration is taking place. The state has played a direct role in these changes, seeing population control as an important part of its intention to modernize the country.

In this insightful new work, Nancy E. Riley argues that Chinas population policies and outcomes are not simply imposed by the state onto an unresponsive citizenry, but have arisen from the social organization of China over the past sixty years. Riley demonstrates how Chinas population and population policy are intertwined and interact with other social and economic features. Riley also examines the unintended consequences of state directives, including the extraordinary number of missing girls, the rapid aging of the population, and an increase in inequality, particularly between rural and urban residents.

Ultimately, Chinas demographic story has to be understood as a complex, multi-pieced phenomenon. This book will be essential reading for researchers and students of China and social demography, as well as non-specialists interested in the changing nature of Chinas population.

Author Biography

Nancy E. Riley is Professor of Sociology at Bowdoin College

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. China's Recent Demographic History
3. Controlling Fertility Through Birth Planning Policies
4. Mobility and Its Control
5. Public Health, Morbidity and Mortality
6. Gender and Population Dynamics
7. Demographic Changes and the Family
8. Conclusion: A Look into the Future

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