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Preventing Ministry Failure

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-10-30
  • Publisher: Ivp Books

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Great ministers don't just happen.Great falls from ministry don't just happen either. A complex mix of factors both internal and external test the limits of your ability to minister wholeheartedly over the long haul.Senior pastor Brad Hoffmann and licensed professional counselor Michael Todd Wilson work with pastors removed from their place of service. The common experiences of these pastors revealed patterns that consistently contributed to burnout, ineffectiveness and moral failure. If such patterns can be predicted, the authors reasoned, can they beprevented?Preventing Ministry Failureis a personal guidebook for pastors and other caregivers to prepare them to withstand common pressures and to flourish in the ministry God has called them to. Work through the exercises and reflections individually or in conversation with your peers, and you'll find yourself better equipped for the challenges of vocational ministry, and more conscious of the presence of God leading you on and restoring your soul.

Author Biography

Michael Todd Wilson is a licensed professional counselor and cofounder of ShepherdCare Brad Hoffmann is senior pastor of Memorial Baptist Church in Baytown, Texas, and cofounder of ShepherdCare

Table of Contents

Before We Begin: Getting the Most from This Workbookp. 9
Introduction: Why Preventing Ministry Failure Is So Importantp. 15
Ministry in America Todayp. 15
Resolving the "God Complex"p. 19
The Process of Restoration: The Journey Back Homep. 21
The Seven Foundation Stones for Effective Long-Term Ministryp. 25
Intimacy: Connecting to the Heart of Successful Pastoringp. 33
What Intimacy Really Isp. 34
The Consequences of Avoiding Intimacyp. 36
Intimacy with Godp. 41
Intimacy Through Close Friendshipsp. 43
Intimacy with Your Spouse (and What to Do if You're Single)p. 48
Practical Steps Toward Deeper Human Relationshipsp. 52
Finding and Growing a Few Good Same-Gender Friendshipsp. 59
Wrap-Upp. 63
Calling: The Power for Effectiveness in Ministryp. 65
Understanding Our Call to Ministryp. 65
Being Sure of Our Callingp. 76
Called Versus Not Called: The Negative Effects of Working Outside Our Callingp. 82
Staying Versus Leaving: Called to Remain or Move Toward a New Assignment?p. 88
Wrap-Upp. 97
Stress Management: Avoiding Ineffectiveness and Burnoutp. 100
Stress: The Energy to Accomplish Our Callingp. 100
The Energy Drain of Stress Mismanagementp. 106
Are You Distressed?: Self-Evaluation Tools for the Wearyp. 111
Practical Safeguards: Spiritual and Relationalp. 117
Practical Safeguards: Emotional and Physicalp. 126
Wrap-Upp. 137
Boundaries: Protecting What Matters Mostp. 139
Personal Boundariesp. 140
Real-World Boundaries in Our Ministry Settingp. 147
Real-World Boundaries with Intimate Relationshipsp. 157
Real-World Boundaries with Ourselves and with Godp. 164
Wrap-Upp. 168
Re-creation: The Fuel to Re-energize Ministryp. 170
Slaves to the Schedulep. 170
Common Excuses for Not Re-creatingp. 174
The Three Rs of Re-creation: Rest, Recess, Renewalp. 179
Creating Our Own Re-creation Planp. 182
Wrap-Upp. 187
People Skills: Managing Our Most Valuable Resourcep. 190
Personality and Personality Theoryp. 190
Active Listening: Tailored Shepherding for Our Unique Flockp. 201
Reflective Listeningp. 205
Assertiveness Techniques Every Minister Can Usep. 211
Wrap-Upp. 219
Leadership Skills: Setting Ministers Apart from the Rest of the Sheepp. 220
Transformative Leadershipp. 220
Dealing with Change in Ministryp. 226
Leadership Styles: What's in Your Wardrobe?p. 230
Other Ingredients for Effective Leadershipp. 239
Wrap-Upp. 244
Feelings Listp. 251
Christian Counseling Resources and Related Ministriesp. 254
The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventoryp. 255
Balanced Breathing Exercise for Relaxationp. 257
Personality Strengths Inventoryp. 258
Contributors from CareGivers Forump. 261
For Further Readingp. 262
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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