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Princesas malas #1: Villanas perfectas (Bad Princesses #1: Perfect Villains)

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2024-01-02
  • Publisher: Scholastic en español

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Princesses don’t break the rules, but they may rewrite them...

Toda nina suena con ir al Instituto Real de Bellas Artes para aprender a ser una princesa, pero Dalia y Dominga no podrian estar menos encantadas. Ellas son diferentes... de la misma manera. Ninguna de las dos quiere ser la mas bella. Por el contrario, quieren unirse a una sociedad secreta de villanos en la Academia Embrujada, asi que han ideado la trama perfecta para arruinar el primer dia de clases. Sera el plan mas macabro. Algo tan perfectamente terrible, tan fantasticamente horrible, tan maravillosamente perverso que seguramente recibiran sus invitaciones a la Academia Embrujada.

Every girl dreams of going to the Fine and Ancient Institute for the Royal to learn how to be a princess. But Dalia and Dominga could not be any less enchanted. They are different...the same kind of different. Neither of them wants to be the fairest of them all. They want to join a secret society of villains at the Bewitched Academy of the Dreadful. So, they've devised the perfect plot to ruin the first day of class. It will be the rottenest scheme of all. Something so perfectly awful, so fantastically horrible, so wonderfully wicked that they’ll surely get their invitations to the BAD.

Author Biography

Jennifer Torres is the award-winning author of The Do-Over, The Win Over, Stef Soto, Taco Queen, and many other books for young readers. She writes stories about home, friendship, and unexpected courage inspired by her Mexican American heritage. Jennifer started her career as a newspaper reporter, and even though she writes fiction now, she hopes her stories still have some truth in them. She lives with her family in Southern California.

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