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Principles of Medical Biology Vol. 9A & B : Microbiology

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1998-07-01
  • Publisher: Elsevier Science Serials
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List Price: $155.00
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There is a need in small group teaching for a readable module that provides a balanced treatment of the four main areas of medical microbiology-bacteriology, mycology, virology and parasistology. It need not be encyclopedic in scope nor didactic, but it should emphasise principles and concepts. Any existing gaps in this type of presentation are, of course, left for the student to fill. Some subject material has been excluded. An example is a chapter on laboratory procedures including PCR for rapid bacterial and viral diagnosis. The discussion of bacterial sexually transmitted diseases does not cover goncoccal infections. This is not a serious matter because the tutor can assign the topic to the students. Moreover, we have reluctantly omitted a separate chapter on anaerobic bacteria. The subject of nosocomial pathogens is touched upon but not in sufficient detail (e.g., control). These bacteria (e.g., S. aureus, E. coli and pseudomonas) are found in hospitals and are resistant to disinfectants and antibiotics. A new but serious problem is the emergence of resistance to antiviral agents. Without question, molecular biology owes more to the study of viruses than bacteria. The fact remains, however, that effective therapy against most viral diseases is not yet available. Perhaps one of the most dramatic examples of this situation is the fight against the AIDS virus and the search for a vaccine. The public health challenge of AIDS remains formidable in spite of the recent encouraging results obtained with protease inhibitor therapy. At the moment at least six receptors for HIV are known to be present in human cells. One of them is the CCR5 receptor in the absence of which cells fail to get infected with the virus. Drugs that can interrupt CCR5 binding sites on the virus envelope are being vigorously sought. Thus, Volume 9B gives a large place to HIV disease. The last group of chapters highlight several features of microbiology which are also of clinical importance and heuristic value. The chapter on fever of unknown origin provides fertile soil for problem based learning.

Table of Contents

Volume 9A
List of Contributors xi(8)
Preface xix
E. Edward Bittar
Neville Bittar
Chapter 1 Ultrastructure of Bacteria
Spencer A. Benson
Chapter 2 The Bacterial Outer Membrane and Surface Permeability
Spencer A. Benson
Chapter 3 Bacterial Metabolism
Harris Bernstein
Carol Bernstein
Chapter 4 Bacterial Genetics
Stanley R. Maloy
Chapter 5 Regulation of Cytoplasmic pH in Bacteria
D. McLaggan
J. Stephen
I.R. Booth
Chapter 6 Vertebrate Hormones in Bacteria and Microbial Eukaryotes
John Lenard
Chapter 7 Principles of Bacterial Pathogenesis
Daniel C. Stein
Chapter 8 Selected Bacteria of Medical Importance
Ronald J. Siebeling
Chapter 9 Tuberculosis
Peter Zwadyk
Chapter 10 Mycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare (MAI)
Gwen A. Huitt
James L. Cook
Chapter 11 Hansen Disease
Thomas M. Shinnick
Chapter 12 Antimicrobial Therapy
Charles A. Peloquin
Chapter 13 Mechanisms of Resistance to Antibacterial Agents
Robert C. Cooksey
Chapter 14 Lyme Disease
Leonard H. Sigal
Chapter 15 Syphilis
John Richens
Chapter 16 Brucellosis
S.G. Wright
Chapter 17 Fungal Diseases
Judith E. Domer
Chapter 18 The Rickettsiae
Karim E. Hechemy
Chapter 19 Chlamydia
Lisa A. Jackson
J. Thomas Grayston
Volume 9B
List of Contributors xi(8)
Preface xix
E. Edward Bittar
Neville Bittar
Chapter 20 Viral Membranes
David A. Steinhauer
Don C. Wiley
John J. Skehel
Chapter 21 Principles of Retrovirus Assembly
Maja A. Sommerfelt
Eric Hunter
Chapter 22 Virus-Induced Alterations in Cells
Juan Carlos de la Torre
Persephone Borrow
Chapter 23 Retroviral Vectors
A.M.L. Lever
Chapter 24 Herpesviruses
J. Barklie Clements
S. Moira Brown
Chapter 25 Respiratory Tract Viruses
Christopher William Potter
Chapter 26 The Interferons
Samuel Baron
Chapter 27 Genetics and Molecular Biology of AIDS Virus
Michael Westby
Angus G. Dalgleish
Chapter 28 AIDS Epidemiology in the United States
Susan P. Buchbinder
Nancy A. Hessol
Chapter 29 The Global Epidemiology of AIDS
G.R. Kinghorn
Chapter 30 Diagnostic Virology
Thomas F. Smith
Chapter 31 Antiviral Chemotherapy
Michael Keating
Chapter 32 From Jenner to Genes--The Next Generation of Virus Vaccines
Fred Brown
Chapter 33 Principles of Parasitology and Parasitic Disorders
Brian R. Shiels
Chapter 34 The Molecular Epidemiology of Parasites
Geoff Hide
Chapter 35 Chemotherapeutic Agents Used in Tropical Medicine
G.C. Cook
Chapter 36 Toxin-Induced Diseases
John H. Freer
Chapter 37 The Pathogenesis of Sepsis
David Simon
Larry J. Goodman
Roger C. Bone
Chapter 38 Bacterial Meningitis
Carole A. Sable
W. Michael Scheld
Chapter 39 Fever of Unknown Origin in the General Population and in HIV-Infected Persons
Wendy Armstrong
Powel Kazanjian
Index 705

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