Clear, lucid, and extremely accessible, Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods, Ninth Edition by Douglas J. Whaley and Stephen M. McJohn helps students understand black letter law and the statutory language of Articles 2, 2A, 5, and 7 in the Uniform Commercial Code and related federal statutes. A sensible, flexible organization follows the order of the UCC and is adaptable to many teaching styles. Drawing on experience in both teaching and writing, the authors provide thorough and practical coverage using a popular problems approach. The text’s effective format, manageable length, and inclusion of the most important cases make Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods concise and efficient.
New to the 9th Edition:
- New cases and problems on issues such as:
- Cryptocurrency and sales law
- Whether platforms such as Amazon Marketplace are considered sellers of goods sold by their users
- Online contract formation
- Requirements contracts
- Whether the pandemic relieved parties of obligations to perform sales contracts
- When specific performance is appropriate
- The interplay between adequate assurance of performance and repudiation
Benefits for instructors and students:
- Concise, effective format—makes black letter law accessible and helps students understand statutory language in the Uniform Commercial Code
- Thorough and up-to-date coverage
- Sensible, flexible organization—follows the order of UCC Articles 2, 2A, 5, and 7
- Adaptability to many teaching styles
- Popular problems approach—straightforward and practical problems, with interesting fact patterns, illustrate the relevant issues and their resolution and help to put the commercial sales statutes and regulations into context
- Distinguished authorship—draws on experience in both teaching and writing
- Manageable length and clear writing style
- Case selection—the most important cases are selected to illustrate the reactions of the courts to pressing issues