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Reading Across the Disciplines

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 7th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2017-02-10
  • Publisher: Pearson

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For anyone interested in improving his/her reading and thinking skills.


Improve reading and thinking abilities through targeted skill instruction and extensive guided practice across many academic disciplines.


Reading Across the Disciplines teaches essential college reading skills and guides their application in each of 10 academic disciplines and career fields. Kathleen McWhorter helps readers expand their vocabulary and comprehension, practice methods for reading and thinking critically, and enhance their ability to make inferences. The 7th Edition also introduces discipline-specific reading strategies and features more than 20 new readings – selected from college textbooks as well as from books, periodicals, popular magazines, newspapers, and Internet sources – to motivate readers and demonstrate the relevance to their daily lives.


Available to package with Reading Across the Disciplines, 7th Edition (Books a la Carte loose-leaf edition), MyLab Reading is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work in tandem with the text to engage students and improve results. MyLab Reading is ideal for courses requiring additional reading skills practice and assessment.

Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing both the Books a la Carte loose-leaf edition of the text and MyLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.


If you would like to purchase both the Books a la Carte loose-leaf edition and MyLab, search for:

0134768280 / 9780134768281  Reading Across the Disciplines plus MyLab Reading with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 7/e 

Package consists of:

  • 0134397290 / 9780134397290  Reading Across the Disciplines, Books a la Carte Edition
  • 0134766342 / 9780134766348  NEW MyLab Reading with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Reading Across the Disciplines College Reading and Beyond

Reading Across the Disciplines, 7th Edition is also available via Revel , an interactive digital learning environment that replaces the print textbook, enabling students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Revel is ideal for courses where student engagement and mobile access are important.

Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; this is not the Revel version. Students, if interested in purchasing the Revel version, ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.


If you would like to purchase the Revel version, search for:

0134424441 / 9780134424446 Revel Reading Across the Disciplines -- Access Card, 7/e

Author Biography

Kathleen T. McWhorter is the author of more than a dozen textbooks, designed to help students succeed in college. Born in a rural farm community in Upstate New York, she went on to receive her EdD from SUNY Buffalo. For 34 years, she taught at Niagara County Community College in Sanborn, NY, where she is a professor emerita of humanities. Through her textbooks, Dr. McWhorter has helped an estimated 500,000 students improve their reading, writing, and critical-thinking skills.

Table of Contents

Part I. A Handbook for Reading and Thinking in College
1. Reading Actively
2. Learning during and after Reading
3. Vocabulary Building
4. Thesis, Main Ideas, Supporting Details, and Transitions
5. Organizational Patterns
6. Reading and Thinking Visually
7. Making Inferences
8. Critical Reading
9. Reading Arguments

Part II. Specialized Reading Skills for Academic Disciplines
10. Mathematics
11. Literature

Part III. Readings for Academic Disciplines
12. Social Sciences
13. Communication / Speech
14. Political Science / Government / History
15. Business / Advertising / Economics
16. Life Sciences
17. Technology-Related Fields
18. Health-Related Fields
19. Career-Related Fields

Part IV. Classroom Simulation: Textbook Reading and Writing

Supplemental Materials

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The Used, Rental and eBook copies of this book are not guaranteed to include any supplemental materials. Typically, only the book itself is included. This is true even if the title states it includes any access cards, study guides, lab manuals, CDs, etc.

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