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Reading Development and Difficulties

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-06-21
  • Publisher: BPS Blackwell

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Reading Development and Difficulties is a comprehensive and balanced introduction to the development of the two core aspects of reading: good word reading skills and the ability to extract the overall meaning of a text. Unique in its balanced coverage of both word reading and reading comprehension development, this book is an essential resource for undergraduates studying literacy acquisition Offers wide coverage of the subject and discusses both typical development and the development of difficulties in reading Accessibly written for students and professionals with no previous background in reading development or reading difficulties Provides a detailed examination of the specific problems that underlie reading difficulties

Author Biography

Kate Cain, D.Phil., is a Reader in the Department of Psychology at Lancaster University. Her research focuses on the development of language comprehension in children and she has a particular interest in the cognitive and language-related skill deficits that lead to comprehension problems. To date, she has published widely on language and reading development in journals such as Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, and Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Reseach, and has written 15 book chapters and co-edited Children's Comprehension Problems in Oral and Written Language: a Cognitive Perspective (with Jane Oakhill, 2007). She is Associate Editor for the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders and the Journal of Research in Reading.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xi
Introduction to the study of readingp. 1
What is reading?p. 2
The relationship between written and spoken languagep. 4
How to study reading development and reading difficultiesp. 14
Overview of the rest of this bookp. 20
Key point summaryp. 20
Further readingp. 21
Definitionsp. 22
Skilled word readingp. 25
Word reading: Assessment and sources of variationp. 26
Models of skilled word recognitionp. 36
Key point summaryp. 42
Further readingp. 43
Definitionsp. 44
The skilled comprehenderp. 47
What do we forget and what do we remember?p. 48
Local and global coherencep. 52
Models of text representationp. 59
Key point summaryp. 63
Further readingp. 64
Definitionsp. 64
Learning to read wordsp. 67
Ways to read wordsp. 68
Skills and knowledge that aid word reading developmentp. 74
Phases of word reading developmentp. 81
What drives word reading development?p. 85
Key point summaryp. 91
Further readingp. 93
Definitionsp. 93
The development of reading comprehensionp. 95
The relations between word reading, listening comprehension and reading comprehensionp. 96
Skills and knowledge that support reading comprehensionp. 99
Reading comprehension developmentp. 112
Key point summaryp. 117
Further readingp. 118
Definitionsp. 118
Developmental dyslexiap. 121
Developmental dyslexia: Definitions and characteristicsp. 122
Theories of dyslexiap. 126
A look at subtypes: Are all dyslexic children the same or do different types of dyslexic exist?p. 134
Dyslexia across the lifespan: Precursors, compensation and consequencesp. 140
Key point summaryp. 144
Further readingp. 145
Definitionsp. 146
Reading comprehension difficultiesp. 147
What is poor reading comprehension?p. 148
Sources of discourse comprehension failurep. 153
Causes of discourse comprehension failurep. 164
The consequences of poor discourse comprehensionp. 166
Key point summaryp. 168
Further Readingp. 169
Definitionsp. 170
Instruction and interventionp. 171
Instruction and interventions for word readingp. 172
Instruction and interventions for reading comprehensionp. 179
Support and instruction for reading developmentp. 185
Key point summaryp. 188
Further readingp. 189
Definitionsp. 190
The assessment of readingp. 191
Assessment mattersp. 192
Word reading assessment: What, when and how?p. 196
The assessment of reading comprehension: What, when and how?p. 201
Key point summaryp. 209
Further readingp. 210
Definitionsp. 210
The Simple View of Reading: A framework for the study of reading development and reading difficultiesp. 213
The Simple View of Reading: A brief overviewp. 214
The Simple View of Reading and reading developmentp. 215
The Simple View of Reading and reading difficultiesp. 218
The Simple View of Reading: An evaluationp. 219
Reading development and reading difficulties: Implicationsp. 220
Conclusionsp. 221
Further readingp. 222
Definitionp. 222
Bibliographyp. 223
Glossaryp. 247
Indexp. 253
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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