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Reducing Crime The Effectiveness of Criminal Justice Interventions

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2005-12-16
  • Publisher: WILEY

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Based on extensive research initiated by the UK Home Office, Reducing Crime offers an objective look at the effectiveness of criminal justice interventions in the reduction of crime. Bringing together information about where, for whom and at what cost these interventions are effective, the book examines alcohol prevention and drug treatment studies; courts, sentencing and police interventions; probation and prison interventions; and situational burglary and housing interventions. In addition to a cost/benefits analysis of each intervention, the book also discusses future research and policy directions.

Author Biography

Amanda e. Perry is a forensic psychologist working as a research fellow for the Centre for Criminal Justice Economics and Psychology at the University of York. Amanda has worked in academia, healthcare and forensic settings. Her specialist areas of interest are: systematic review and evaluation of research methodology, screening and assessment for suicide and self-harm risk in offenders, and mental-health services. She has published systematic reviews for the Cochrane and Campbell collaborations on drug treatment for offenders and the effectiveness of screening and assessment tools for offenders, and is a gust lecturer for the MSc in Applied Forensic Psychology course at the University of York.

Cynthia McDougall, OBE, is professor and director of the MSc in Applied Forensic Psychology at the University of York, and co-director of the University's Centre for Criminal Justice Economics and Psychology. She has wide practical and research experience in crime-related issues, having worked as a probation officer in the community and as a psychologist in prisons, as head of psychology for prison and probation services. She is a chartered forensic psychologist, a consultant psychologist tot eh Durham probation area and a member of HM Prison Service Close Supervision Centres Advisory Group.

David P. Farrington OBE, is professor pf Psychological criminology at the Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University. He is also co-chair of the Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group, a member of the board directors of the International Society of Criminology, and joint editor of Cambridge Studies in Criminology and the Journal Criminology Behaviour and Mental Health. his major research interests is in the longitudinal survey of delinquency and crime, and he is director of the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development, a prospective longitudinal survey of more than 400 London males between the ages of 8 and 48. In addition to more than 360 published papers on criminological and psychological topics, he has published 41 books, monographs and government publications, one of which ( understanding Controlling Crime, 1986) won the prize for distinguished scholarship of the American Sociological Association criminology section.

Table of Contents

About the Editors.
List of Contributors.
Series Preface.
1. Reducing Crime (Cynthia McDougall, Amanda E. Perry and David P. Farrington).
2. Methodology of the UK Review of Evidence (Amanda E. Perry).
3. Alcohol and Drug Treatments (Mary McMurran).
4. Diversion from Prosecution at Court and Effective Sentencing (Carol Hedderman and Mike Hough).
5. Probation and Prison Interventions (Caroline Friendship and Mia Debidin).
6. CCTV and Street Lighting: Comparative Effects on Crime (Brandon C. Welsh and David P. Farrington).
7. Situational Burglary and Housing Interventions (Trevor Bennett).
8. Economic Methodology and Evaluations: The Costs and Benefits of Criminal Justice Interventions (Raymond Swaray).
9. Overview of Effectiveness of Criminal Justice Interventions in the UK (Cynthia McDougall, Amanda E. Perry and David P. Farrington).

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