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Return of the Wild 20 of Nature's Greatest Success Stories

by Unknown
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2023-10-17
  • Publisher: Laurence King Publishing

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Discover the extraordinary ways nature has come back from the brink in this collection of 20 environmental success stories from around the world, written by Dr Helen Scales and beautifully illustrated by Good Wives and Warriors. From humpback whale populations thriving again in the freezing seas of Alaska and the recovery of kiwi populations in New Zealand, to the setting up of tiger sanctuaries and reserves in India and return of elephant seals from 'extinction', this book plants a message of hope and shows children that positive change is possible.

As well as the 20 recovery stories, Return of the Wild teaches children about the different habitats that animals and plants around the world call home - oceans, forests, deserts and more - and introduces them to the real people supporting endangered species. Finishing off with small tips on what children at home can do to help the wild world, from wearing eco-friendly suncream while swimming in the sea to using less single use plastic, this book reassures children that there are many ways to protect and save our planet from environmental harm.

Author Biography

Dr Helen Scales is a marine biologist, writer, and public broadcaster. She's written several books including Spirals in Time: The Secret Life and Curious Afterlife of Seashells which is a Guardian bestseller, shortlisted for the Royal Society of Biology books prize and selected as book of the year by The Economist, Nature, The Times and Guardian as well as BBC Radio 4's Book of the Week. She has written for National Geographic, the Guardian, New Scientist, BBC Wildlife magazine and BBC Focus, among others, and also presents the Earth Unscrewed podcast. She's been a frequent guest on Brian Cox's Infinited Monkey Cage Podcast. Helen gives talks for schools, bookshops and science and literary festivals. She's also spoken at Google, the Royal Institue and has a Ted Talk called 'Stories from the Ocean'. She teaches marine biology and science writing at Cambridge University and is scientific advisor for the marine conservation charity Sea Changers.

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