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The Rise of Modern Philosophy A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume 3

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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-08-30
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Sir Anthony Kenny's engaging new multi-volume history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era. The Rise of Modern Philosophy captures the fascinating story of the emergence, from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century, of the great ideas and intellectual systems that shaped modern thought. Kenny introduces us to some of the world's most original and influential thinkers and helps us gain an understanding of their famous works. The great minds we meet include Rene Descartes, traditionally seen as the founder of modern philosophy; the great British philosophers Hobbes, Locke, and Hume; continental thinkers such as Spinoza, Liebniz, and Hegel; and the towering figure of Immanuel Kant, who perhaps more than any other made philosophy what it is today. Kenny first tells the story of modern philosophy chronologically: his lively, accessible narrative brings the philosophers to life and fills in the historical and intellectual background to their work. It is ideal as the first thing to read for someone new to this wonderfully creative period. Kenny then backtracks to look closely at each of the main areas of philosophical exploration in this period: knowledge and understanding; the nature of the physical universe; metaphysics (the most fundamental questions there are about existence); mind and soul; the nature and content of morality; political philosophy; and God. The book also features many intriguing and beautiful illustrations which evoke the human and social side of philosophy. Anyone who is interested in the evolution of modern thought will find this a book a treasure.

Author Biography

Sir Anthony Kenny is one of Britain's most distinguished academic figures. He has been Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, Master of Balliol College, Chairman of the Board of the British Library, and President of the British Academy. He has published more than forty books on philosophy and history.

Table of Contents

Mapp. x
Introductionp. xi
Sixteenth-Century Philosophyp. 1
Humanism and Reformp. 1
Sin, Grace, and Freedomp. 5
Authority and Consciencep. 7
The Decline of Logicp. 11
Scepticism, Sacred and Profanep. 13
Counter-Reformation Philosophyp. 16
Giordano Brunop. 20
Galileop. 22
Baconp. 26
Descartes to Berkeleyp. 33
Descartesp. 33
Hobbesp. 41
The Cambridge Platonistsp. 47
Lockep. 49
Pascalp. 53
Malebranchep. 58
Spinozap. 61
Leibnizp. 70
Berkeleyp. 76
Hume to Hegelp. 80
Humep. 80
Smith and Reidp. 86
The Enlightenmentp. 90
Rousseaup. 93
Wolff and Lessingp. 97
Kantp. 100
Fichte and Schellingp. 108
Hegelp. 111
Knowledgep. 117
Montaigne's Scepticismp. 117
Descartes' Responsep. 119
Cartesian Consciousnessp. 121
The Empiricism of Hobbesp. 127
Locke's Ideasp. 131
Spinoza on Degrees of Knowledgep. 137
The Epistemology of Leibnizp. 142
Berkeley on Qualities and Ideasp. 146
Hume on Ideas and Impressionsp. 151
Kant's Synthetic a priorip. 156
Realism vs Idealismp. 160
Idealist Epistemologyp. 163
Physicsp. 165
Natural Philosophyp. 165
Cartesian Physicsp. 169
The Atomism of Gassendip. 172
Newtonp. 173
The Labyrinth of the Continuump. 174
Kant's Antinomiesp. 177
Metaphysicsp. 181
The Metaphysics of Suarezp. 181
Descartes on Eternal Truthsp. 184
Three Notions of Substancep. 187
Single Necessary Substancep. 190
Making Room for Contingencyp. 193
Berkeley's Idealismp. 199
Hume on Causationp. 204
The Response of Kantp. 207
Mind and Soulp. 212
Descartes on Mindp. 212
Dualism and its Discontentsp. 216
Determinism, Freedom, and Compatibilismp. 219
Locke on Personal Identityp. 223
The Soul as the Idea of the Body in Spinozap. 227
Leibniz's Monadologyp. 231
Berkeley and Hume on Spirits and Selvesp. 235
Kant's Anatomy of the Mindp. 240
Ethicsp. 246
Casuistryp. 247
Mysticism and Stoicismp. 251
Pascal against the Jesuitsp. 253
Spinoza's Ethical Systemp. 258
Hume on Reason, Passion, and Virtuep. 261
Kant on Morality, Duty, and Lawp. 264
Hegel's Ethical Synthesisp. 267
Political Philosophyp. 273
Machiavelli's Princep. 273
More's Utopiap. 275
Just and Unjust Warsp. 281
Hobbes on Chaos and Sovereigntyp. 283
Spinoza's Political Determinismp. 289
Locke on Civil Governmentp. 290
Montesquieu on Lawp. 293
Rousseau and the General Willp. 295
Hegel on the Nation-Statep. 300
Godp. 303
Molina on Omniscience and Freedomp. 303
Descartes' Rational Theologyp. 305
Pascal and Spinoza on Godp. 308
The Optimism of Leibnizp. 312
The God of Berkeleyp. 315
Hume on Religionp. 317
Kant's Theological Dialecticp. 323
The Absolute of Hegelp. 329
Chronologyp. 332
List of Abbreviations and Conventionsp. 333
Bibliographyp. 337
List of Illustrationsp. 344
Indexp. 347
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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